Schubel Vision Elite Podcast
Are you a chiropractor who loves what you do but would like to achieve a greater level of business and practice excellence? Schubel Vision Elite is a vast network of chiropractors all around the world who improve their financial abundance, clinical outcomes and community impact. This podcast is finally being brought public to further bring about our vision of a Chiropractic utopia; where every man, woman and child on the planet is checked for vertebral subluxation and adjusted when necessary from birth. It is led by chiropractic's best masterminds, united by a passion for healing and shared mission in service to the world! Listen to our podcast to improve your business, your practice, and your well being!
Episode #41 - Dr. Jack Bourla
February 14, 2023 • 42 MIN
Hot off the presses. Dr. Liam & I just interviewed Dr. Jack Bourla, the new President of Sherman College of Chiropractic. Topics: Investiture (May 3), Lyceum (May 4-6), Sherman Showcase (4/21, 7/28, 10/6)
Episode #39: Michael Jordan says...Go back to the basics - 30 second talk......Day One Mindset for WINNING.
January 26, 2023 • 28 MIN
In this episode, the docs go back to the basics like Michael Jordan! Master the 30 second talk, and have your Day One Mindset set on winning! If you need a refresher, or if this is your first time hearing about the 30 second talk, then this episode is for you! Original airdate: 05-18-18
SVE Conversations - Dr. Pat Selimo
January 19, 2023 • 58 MIN
This is a special edition of the SVE podcast with a episode recently recorded by the doctors! Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn have a conversation with Dr. Pat Selimo about the mindset of chiropractors! When you get started with chiropractic, you start excited and ready to change the world! Sometimes, doctors hit a wall when it comes to their very own practice, and often face challenges that are hard to resolve on their own. That's why implementing business systems can improve your business. Dr. Pat Selimo is now on track to have the greatest year in his practice ever, and it's all thanks to the business systems in Schubel Vision Elite! Original airdate: 1-19-2023
Episode #38: Referral Gifts - SVE Scheduling and Funnel System Mistakes
January 13, 2023 • 29 MIN
If you are having trouble getting referrals, scheduling, or don't have the funnel system down pact, this is the episode for you! Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. But that's why Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn have got your back (and your client's backs) with Schubel Vision Elite's business systems! Original airdate: 05-10-18
Episode #37: Marketing - Internal Referals - Referral Seeds, Ask for Speaking Engagements, Patient Appreciation, Testimonials
December 29, 2022 • 27 MIN
Dinner with the doc is a great way bring in lots of new people, and appreciate the current members of your practice! Create events to help support your community, but also guarantee for you to get leads. Listen to this episode to understand the Law of reciprocity! People will give back to you, when you give back to your community! Original airdate: 05-03-18
Episode #36: Part 2 External Marketing - Dinner w/Doc - Public Speaking - April Marketing Blitz
December 15, 2022 • 28 MIN
In this episode, Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn go over the key Schubel Vision Elite marketing secrets: Dinner with a Doc, and also tips on public speaking! Original airdate: 04-26-18
Episode #35: External Marketing - April Marketing Blitz
December 15, 2022 • 24 MIN
Get out there and market your chiropractic business! Dr. Hahn and Dr. Schubel give great advice on how to find local events, and how to be known in your community as the best chiropractor! Original airdate: 04-19-18
Episode #34: April Marketing Blitz
December 8, 2022 • 28 MIN
External marketing and internal marketing are crucial to the success of your practice! Here are some useful marketing tips from Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn on "planting seeds of referrals" in your members! Learn the best tips for in-person marketing and digital marketing to your community so you can reach more people with your gift of chiropractic! Original airdate: 04-12-18 Become a member of Schubel Vision Elite to be a part of an elite group of chiropractors, and gain tremendous growth in your practice! You'll also get unlimited video content showing you how to implement our new patient acquisition systems, access to our private Facebook group of fantastic like-minded chiropractors, and so much more! Join Our Weekly Master Class: Join SVE: Follow us! Facebook Page: Instagram: Twitter:
Episode #33: X-RAY Report Mastery
November 17, 2022 • 28 MIN
There's a bunch of different styles and techniques to x-rays in chiropractic. Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn go over their techniques for doing x-ray reports and exams. This is a extremely informative episode that you don't want to miss! Original airdate: 03-29-18
Episode #32: Marketing Methods - Touch & Tell - Testimonials
November 10, 2022 • 25 MIN
When your practice members are coming in for their adjustments, do you let them know how fantastic chiropractic is going to improve their lives? Do you just let them focus on the symptomytology and think that since they aren't hurting somewhere it's working? If you're doing the latter, reconsider. Learn about Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn's "Touch & Tell" method by listening to this episode of Schubel Vision Elite! Original airdate: 03-29-18
Episode #31: Vision Purpose Mission - Sharing Scientific Research with Your Practice Members
November 10, 2022 • 25 MIN
How do you market on your day to day office visit, so you can generate more referrals? Marketing brings awareness to chiropractic, and that's why Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn say marketing takes place during, and after a practice member comes to your office. The sales systems is what continues to bring people to your practice. A big tip from Dr. Schubel is: People won't remember what you say, but they will remember how you made them feel. So when you have an office environment of love for chiropractic, and love for your practice members, that's when the sales come in. Listen to this episode for more tips on how to not only retain practice members, but gain referrals as well. Original airdate: 03-22-18
Episode #30: Success Rituals - Preparation techniques to see a high volume practice
November 3, 2022 • 27 MIN
How do you start your day for success? The way you get success within your practice, is when you practice a success mindset within yourself! Take note from Dr. Schubel on how he starts his day with not just a good breakfast and exercise, but even with positive affirmations! You'll be ready to serve your community when you start your day right. Listen to the podcast now, so you're ready to take on the day! Original airdate: 03-15-18
Episode #29: Mindset - The Love Principle, SVE Member Doubles Their Practice, One Person Reports
October 27, 2022 • 24 MIN
The best thing you can do for any business or group is to say a glowing testimonial, and boy do the docs some for you about Schubel Vision Elite! There are members who have DOUBLED their clients, and we're not talking 1 to 2. Each one of these people in your practice is vital, because they are vital as a person, and know your work with them is vital. You can reaffirm all of this through the Love Principle, and this can lead your practice to success. Listen to the episode now to find out more! Original airdate: 03-08-18
Episode #28: Part 2 of Mindset - Philosophy, Communication and LACVS - Up Your Game
October 21, 2022 • 27 MIN
He who has the highest level of energy wins! Whether it's hundreds of people in a room, a handful of new potential patients in the room, or even one person coming to your Dinner with the Doc, you need to have your energy up! Just remember that what you're doing is going to transform and evolve their lives. Even if they don't have any pain or symptoms, Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn know just how to reach that audience. Whether you are an associate, a student, or a doctor of chiropractic, you need to listen to this episode about the philosophy you need for chiropractic! Original airdate: 03-01-18
Episode #27: Step one and two for mindset - Self Esteem and Certainty Part 1
October 13, 2022 • 28 MIN
Having a confident mindset is key for everything. If your non-verbal communication is not congruent with what you're saying, then people won't buy or believe what you're talking about! Learn what the first two steps are for changing your mindset from our elite chiropractic hosts Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn! The even go over advancing quickly by video taping yourself! Get out of your comfort zone, record yourself doing your 30 Second Talks, and get feedback from the SVE Members, and our marketing expert Shankar Poncelet! He helps others with their videos, and will help you transform your mindset. Original airdate: 02-22-18
Episode #26: Training & Incentivizing Staff
October 6, 2022 • 29 MIN
In this episode, Drs. Hahn and Schubel discuss how to hire clients when you're building your systems and practices. They also touch on the importance of marketing, and how helping improve people’s lives is their sole motivation. That’s the kind of people you want in your practice! Through finding high quality people and CA’s for your practice, that’s how you get to the next level of your business. People with passion for chiropractic, and the ones who are talented in the art of communication, those are who you should hire! Look for someone with that energy level that will also be great for your business. They also go over how to keep these stellar people working for your business with attainable incentives. If you’re looking to get to the next level of your business with high quality people, then listen to this episode! Original airdate: 02-15-18
Episode #25: Hiring and Training Staff - Your Mission is your Inspiration
September 29, 2022 • 25 MIN
After a bit of celebration to Dr. Hahn on getting married, the docs get right into the topic for this episode: Following the Schubel Vision Elite business system for hiring, training, and retaining. The quality of your business is based off of the quality of your systems. Don't get let negative emotions get the best of you when training new staff. Find the way that your employees are motivated, whether it is winning on finances, or the mission of chiropractic! Emit energy to your employees and inspire them just like you get inspired by our SVE visionaries! Original airdate: 02-08-18
Episode #24: Strategy & Mindset Leading Up to Your Community Gathering Events
September 22, 2022 • 26 MIN
Set yourself up for success by planning out your education booths for community gathering events! Sometimes if you get opportunities presented to you and you aren’t ready, they fly right by you. But if you are prepared when opportunities come, then it becomes a success! Lots of people say Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn are lucky, and sound like naturals when they speak in front of hundreds of chiropractors, and on television, but it is because they have perfected the business systems in the Schubel Vision Elite program that they are so lucky! They feel like they are giving old to others through the education booths, and now they’re sharing that gold with you on this public podcast episode! Original airdate: 02-01-18
Episode #23: Identifying and Overcoming Challenging Clients - Challenging Conversations
September 16, 2022 • 30 MIN
Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn know the best way to overcome challenging conversations, and challenging clients: going back to the basics and practicing all the Schubel Vision Elite procedures. The doctors go over ideal client, energy drainer clients, and the middle of the road group. If you aren't at the point to refer them out to another practice, then you need to listen to this episode to help them, and help your own office growth! Don't be discouraged by symptom oriented patients, doubter patients, or aggressive patients! Learn how to masterfully take care of these clients and turn them into long lasting practice members. There's so much information in this podcast episode, you don't want to miss it! Original airdate: 01-25-18
Episode #22: Target Market & Ideal Clients - Pros & Cons - How to Identify IC & TM
September 8, 2022 • 27 MIN
It’s great to know who your ideal client and target market is, but when is the right time to search for them? Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn have been elite chiropractic doctors for many years, and get told all the time they are “lucky” but really it’s all thanks to their Schubel Vision Elite business systems! Learn about the pros and cons of having a target market, and when you can start searching for your ideal client. Listen to this latest episode so you can find a greater level of abundance for your chiropractic practice! Original airdate: 01-18-18
Episode #21: Table Talk Topics Lead to Referrals - Scientific Research - Miracle Case - Touch and Tell Method
September 1, 2022 • 25 MIN
Generating referrals is easy when you have Schubel Vision Elite systems on your side! Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn go over 3 different rabbits you can pull out of your hat to create more value for what you do, generate referrals, and decrease retention. When combined with Table Talks, and other systems we've talked about, you will be as confident as Dr. Schubel is when he goes on television! Remember, don't get discouraged if people don't want the benefits of chiropractic, because you are the one supporting your community by providing such a valuable service of chiropractic to them. Original airdate: 01-11-18
Episode #20: Happy New Year - Preparing for Patient's Resolutions - Office Efficiency
August 25, 2022 • 29 MIN
When people set goals in their life, that is an educational opportunity to inform them how chiropractic services can help them reach their goals! Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn address New Years Resolutions, and the health related goals people set for the incoming year. Your purpose of chiropractic is of course "Detect, analyze, adjust vertebral subluxation to allow innate intelligence to express itself optimally in the human experience." And through adjusting people, you'll be able to help them reach their goals in life! Original airdate: 01-04-18
Episode #19: Market 3 Days Not Just One Day - Double ROFs
August 18, 2022 • 27 MIN
When do you market your chiropractic business? Do you talk about chiropractic and all the benefits during your client’s visits? Whenever you talk about what you love, you aren't marketing, it's just you talking about what you enjoy. You are saving lives when you educate others on vertebral subluxation. You’re not selling it. You are giving information that is vital to them. That’s why Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn don’t hesitate when talking about chiropractic, and teaching chiropractic business systems. Original airdate: 12-28-17
Episode #18: Reactivations from holiday phone calls - Pattern Interrupts
August 11, 2022 • 31 MIN
Do you anticipate a dip during the holidays? Are you bracing yourself for the downward spiral of low business? Then you need to listen to this podcast to change your mindset! Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn are here for you, and want your business to do the exact opposite. There’s always an opportunity to let your clients know you care, and the best of all to do it in not a sales-y way. You are a caring and talented chiropractor, and all they need is a reminder. You need to disrupt their mentality if they think they only need to see a chiropractor when they have symptoms or pain. As the docs say, no matter what pain, symptoms, or objectives they have, you are going to help them with their subluxation as the elite chiropractor you are! Original airdate: 12-21-17
Episode #17: We are Sifters not Alchemists - Yes, No, Maybe - Assume the Sale - Withdrawal Principle
August 4, 2022 • 27 MIN
Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn are here to help you show your community that you are treating their subluxation and helping people live their lives optimally. We aren't magically turning people into gold here at Schubel Vision Elite. Through our business systems, we sift through all the people who walk through our offices and find the golden people who want what we are offering. The way that you can boost yourself from a 70% - 80% close rate to a 90% close rate is all about your mindset! Skillset is in you, and our procedures are laid out for you in SVE chiropractic business systems! Original airdate: 12-14-17
Episode 16: Brazil - Build Trust through Emotional & Logical Certainty, Scheduling Systems, Marketing
July 29, 2022 • 25 MIN
Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn had a bit of technical difficulties due to their trip to Brazil, but through this trip they were able to change so many lives! After a 25 hour flight, even when Dr. Schubel wasn’t feeling 100%, he was able to give a life changing talk on the Schubel Vision Elite systems! Because sales is an international language. Dr. Schubel knows how to appeal to people’s emotional sense, and then back it all up with logical sense, and through this episode, you can do it too! Once you get all the systems down, it’s no longer a screening system, it’s a scheduling system, that’s how well the program works. Dr. Hahn also touches on how you don't necessarily have to go to every single spinal screening event. Because of these great systems, you know that through teaching your assistants the systems, everything will run smoothly. Original airdate: 12-13-17
Episode 15: Mindset to change habits - Creating strategies to implement your system
July 21, 2022 • 28 MIN
If you struggle with getting new patients, this is the episode for you! Are you working hard at getting leads, but you're not seeing results? Well, Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn have the systems and strategies for you! Because they know that hoping and planning for new patients doesn't happen over night, so today they are sharing more actionable items you can do throughout the week to grow your chiropractic business! Original airdate: 11-30-17
Episode 14: Four Economic Adjustments Vital to Increase Business - Transition a Practice Member to Lifetime Care
July 14, 2022 • 29 MIN
When you can visualize a world free of vertebral subluxation, you can get it. The mindset of a chiropractor is everything. From giving the first spinal screening, to having patients become life long members, you have to have visualization techniques to increase your business. Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn know how to help you walk into the office confident, and manifesting your best life through chiropractic. Through setting specific goals, and the Schubel Vision Elite business systems, you'll be reaching your goals in no time! Original airdate: 11-23-17
Episode 13: Closing the Sale - Handling Patient Objections - Build Trust and Certainty
July 8, 2022 • 31 MIN
Up your chiropractic game, and close those sales by using these helpful tips from Dr. Hahn and Dr. Schubel. Make your customers and potential customers certain about your work by expressing yourself using the Schubel Vision Elite business systems. The docs teach you how to identify if you're in a sales loop, how to go back to where you were before, and close on a sale. Learn how to change objections into building trust and certainty in your services, in yourself, and your business! Original airdate: 11-16-17
Episode 12: Hiring & Training an Outstanding Associate Part 2
June 30, 2022 • 27 MIN
If you have trouble hiring and training an outstanding associate, look no further! You're ready to hire an outstanding associate! What questions should you ask? Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn have all the answers. They give the best advice on focusing the associate, training them on procedure, and evaluating their work. Share your knowledge of your Schubel Vision Elite Systems to your new associate and give a greater impact on the planet by listening to this episode! Original airdate: 11-09-17
Episode 11: Tips to hire & Train an Outstanding Associate. Part 1
June 23, 2022 • 26 MIN
If you're thinking about getting an associate, you need to set your chiropractic office up with systems ready to help them! When it's time to sign on an associate, you want to make it a statistical decision so you know you're ready. Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn also go over what important characteristics to look for in a doctor of chiropractic, and how to know when your office is ready to support one. They want to empower you to live a successful and abundant life, and when you listen to this podcast, you'll know how to find an associate who you can help gain the financial abundance that you have with Schubel Vision Elite. Original airdate: 11-02-17
Episode 10: STATS a Key to Running a Successful Business
June 17, 2022 • 26 MIN
When someone asks you "how is your business going?" do you say "good," or can you back it up with positive statistics? Dr. Liam Schubel and Dr. Frank Hahn go over how to really tell if your business is doing well, by keeping track of your chiropractic systems. Keep your staff focused on being productive by keeping them involved, and making sure they feel the benefit for your office as well. When you and your staff know what your stats are, that's really seeing how many lives you are positively impacting through this amazing practice of chiropractic. Original airdate: 10-26-17
Episode 9: Member Highlights - How to get on Radio-TV-Print Media
June 10, 2022 • 28 MIN
The docs highlight a few of our awesome members in our exclusive Schubel Vision Elite Facebook Group! We are master minding together, and working through the chiropractic systems as a group, so all questions are welcome. The main topic of the episode is continuing with Marketing Mania! This time in the non-digital space! Learn how to get on radio, TV, and print media! It's easier than you think, especially if you follow these simple instructions from Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn. Don't forget to rate and share the podcast! Let's create a world of ELITE chiropractors! Original airdate: 10-19-17
Episode 8: Marketing Mania Continues, Preparing for Success, 4 Ways of Attracting New People
June 3, 2022 • 30 MIN
We are continuing with our Marketing Mania with 4 ways of attracting new people! This episode is all about giving you easy steps to achieve your goals. Getting more people into your office can seem daunting, but by breaking it down with our chiropractic business systems, you'll have a plan by the end of the episode. Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn are dedicated to supporting doctors and their businesses. With this episode, you'll be an expert at getting out into the community and bringing people in! Original airdate: 10-12-17
Episode 7: Marketing Mania, Creating a Plan, Schubel's Law of Concentric Circles
May 26, 2022 • 25 MIN
Today we dive in on marketing your chiropractic business to your community! Become conscious in meeting those in your community. Your mindset is key! Think with opportunity, and the SVE business systems will do the rest! These strategies are active year after year. So you'll need a marketing calendar to set you up for success. And one of the key take aways and well used marketing strategies, is Dr. Schubel explaining the secret behind Schubel's Law of Concentric Circles. Original airdate: 10-05-17
Episode 6: Table Talk, Rehearsing, Accountability Groups
May 19, 2022 • 26 MIN
Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn go over the importance of Table Talks, and how you can relate anything back to chiropractic. Especially talking about the results that people are having in their lives on real terms. Chiropractic gives tremendous results, NOT because they are treated for those results, but because chiropractors are treating the vertebral subluxation, and letting the body do what it's supposed to do. They also elaborate on the positives of creating business systems that allow you to expand as large as you want, instead of a personality driven practice. This is the holy grail to Schubel Vision Elite's systems! Dr. Hahn utilized the SVE Chiropractic systems which gave him Time Freedom, so that he could take days off to attend a seminar, and when he came back the office was running as smoothly as he left it. By listening to this podcast, you are one step in the right direction of taking responsibility of your success. Keep the momentum going and create an accountability group with the elite chiropractors in SVE so you all can reach your goals! There's so much golden info jam packed in this episode, you don't want to miss it! Featuring: Dr. Liam Schubel, and Dr. Frank Hahn Original airdate: 09-28-17
Episode 5: X Ray Report - Thom Gelardi - Member Highlights
May 13, 2022 • 28 MIN
Dr. Liam Schubel and Dr. Frank Hahn give a mini recap of their interview with the founders of the Sherman College of Chiropractic, Thom and Betty Gelardi! They got so much wisdom from Thom Gelardi, and he shared an important lesson from B.J. Palmer. on the value of your time. If you have objectives that you need completed, the only way that'll happen is if you set the tone for your own day. We all have the same 24 hours, so let SVE's chiropractic systems help you make the most out of all of them! The docs main topic today is how x-rays are a part of the procedure and steps for chiropractic. Show that you are the expert doctor of chiropractic, and tell them what their results mean, and how they compare to a generally normal spine. You don't go to a mechanic and want him to ask you "What do you think the problem is?" Remember, YOU are an expert in chiropractic and subluxation. Listen to the end for the answers to the SVE members questions, and highlights of our member's successes with our chiropractic systems! Featuring: Dr. Liam Schubel, and Dr. Frank Hahn Original airdate: 09-21-17
Episode 4: Huge Announcement! What are PM's looking for? Testimonials, Scientific Studies
May 4, 2022 • 26 MIN
Do you know how to talk to your practice members? More importantly, do you know how to make your practice members feel heard? The three C's of Schubel Vision Elite can help give your patients the knowledge that you are passionate about your practice, and passionate about how you affect their lives. Being time efficient is key, and it's easy to give your Practice Members a time efficient adjustment if you have the best chiropractic systems. They go over all this information, and more in this week's episode of the Schubel Vision Elite podcast! Featuring: Dr. Liam Schubel, and Dr. Frank Hahn Note: is not available. Original airdate: 09-14-17
Episode 3: Training & Creating Systems, The Power of the Testimonial Wall
April 28, 2022 • 25 MIN
Dr. Schubel and Dr. Hahn discuss how great our SVE Facebook community is. As a SVE Member, you have access to the secret Facebook page full of experienced doctors from all around the world! Ask questions and join our community, because we are here to support YOU. Dr. Schubel also shares important chiropractic tips he has gained from going to the Axiom Seminar, a chiropractic seminar in Europe. What does it mean for your office to look elite? How do you present your chiropractic office? Only one way to find out! Check out our latest episode! Featuring: Dr. Liam Schubel, Dr. Frank Hahn Original Airdate: 09-07-17
Episode 2: Judd Nogrady - Mindset, Marketing, Systems & Communications
April 22, 2022 • 24 MIN
What do you want out of life? How do you let people know you are important to the world? How do you understand someone's wants and needs? Dr. Judd Nogrady answers all of these questions in this episode of Schubel Vision Elite Podcast! Get your mind set in the right direction, and learn how to improve your practice with this episode. Having a proper system like the ones we've developed at Schubel Vision Elite helps your mindset, your marketing, and helps your communication to your chiropractic clients. Featuring: Dr. Judd Nogrady Original Airdate: 08-31-17
Episode 1: Mindset Strategies, Creating Value, An Outline for any Talk You'll Give
April 4, 2022 • 27 MIN
This is the first episode of the Schubel Vision Elite Podcast! The first topic, is mindset! You need the correct mindset to follow through with the procedures, and lead you to success. Listen to hear mindset tips from two elite doctors of chiropractic! Featuring: Dr. Liam Schubel, Dr. Frank Hahn Original Airdate: 08-24-17