Raise 1000 Voices
Raise 1000 Voices podcast is a place where women gather to learn the science and the art of influence - the skills of speaking, pitching, selling and negotiating which accelerate our ability to move from where we are now to where we want to be It is not a bright, bold, idea created on a whim. This is the new home of more than 20 years successfully unlocking the power of stories, voices, language and questions. It is a powerful infusion of lived experience, corporate games, the start up trenches and creating movements - distilled into insights and lessons for all.
026: Breaking Comfort Zones with BOLDness with Julie O’Neill
June 12, 2023 • 55 MIN
In our quest for success, we often stay within our comfort zones of routine. However, these boundaries can hinder growth. To reach our full potential, we must break free and embrace boldness. But how? In this episode of Raise 1000 Voices, Julie O’Neill reveals the secrets to a decades long career in Broadcast Journalism in the USA - uncovering why being bold is a must for business and personal growth. Julie is a speaker and author of Bold: The Secret To My Big Wins To Help You Crash Through Your Comfort Zone where she shares her personal journey of embracing boldness and how it transformed her life. She explains that breaking free from comfort zones requires a mindset shift and a willingness to take risks. Embracing boldness is crucial for personal and business growth. By recognizing the power of discomfort, embracing failure, setting audacious goals, taking calculated risks, and cultivating a growth mindset, individuals can crash through their comfort zones and embark on a journey of extraordinary success.
025: Empowering Communities: Supporting Health and Education with Bronwyn Wright
June 5, 2023 • 43 MIN
In today's rapidly evolving world, empowering communities through robust support for health and education has become paramount. The foundation of any thriving society lies in the well-being and education of its individuals, as they are the driving force behind progress and growth. In this episode of Raise 1000 Voices, Bronwyn Wright sheds light on the crucial role of health and education in fostering thriving societies. As the world continues to evolve at a rapid pace, it has become increasingly evident that supporting these fundamental pillars is paramount to sustainable progress and growth. By prioritizing the well-being of individuals and providing equitable access to quality education, communities can empower their members to drive progress, foster innovation, and create a brighter future for all. Through collaborative efforts and a shared commitment to these foundational pillars, we can raise a thousand voices that amplify the importance of health and education and work towards a more inclusive and prosperous world.
024: My Strategy Is To Be Dead First. The Reality Of The Homeless Crisis For Women Over 55 with Teresa Reed
May 29, 2023 • 36 MIN
There is a silent crisis rapidly rising in the women in our world - women over the age of 55 in Australia who are the fastest group experiencing homelessness. This is an age when most of us plan to settle into life, adventure, community and family. Instead an insane - yes insane - amount of them are suffering homelessness, sleeping rough and couch surfing. Hidden in plain sight In this episode of Raise 1000 Voices, we speak with Teresa Reed about her remarkable advocacy - The Forgotten Women Project: addressing homelessness in vulnerable women. Teresa is committed personally and professionally to helping the homeless live with dignity and security. The Forgotten Women Project anchors itself in surprisingly practical and accessible solutions to change the future for dozens of women - and in doing so Teresa is giving tangible hope to the “hidden homeless”, the vulnerable older women with no financial means to afford their own homes, or to even stay in the ‘housing market’. There are a multitude of factors that lead to vulnerable older women being homeless - including the lack of financial education, divorce and relationship breakdown, the stigma of seeking any assistance felt by women, and the absence of affordable housing options to name just a few. Teresa shares stories that will stop your heart and jolt your world. And this is why her work matters - and why you simply must listen to this conversation on Raise 1000 Voices.
023: Filthy Rich. Now Grounded AF - with Lezly Kaye
May 22, 2023 • 46 MIN
Speaking truth to power and embracing authenticity can be a radical act in a world that often values conformity over individuality. But what does it mean to live authentically? And why is it so important? In this episode of Raise 1000 Voices, Lezly Kaye throws a light on just why it matters. Filthy Rich, success beyond most people’s imaginations, growing businesses to $65M turnover, a marriage and a gorgeous young child, she burnt it to the ground in her shift from Filthy Rich to Grounded AF - unlocking the power of authenticity and how it helps every single one of us to navigate the world with integrity and purpose - even, maybe especially, if it goes against the norms and expectations of society. Living authentically can be challenging, especially in a world that often values conformity and fitting in. It requires courage, vulnerability, and a willingness to face criticism and rejection from others. But it is the only way to create a more meaningful and fulfilling life for ourselves and contribute to a more authentic and compassionate world.
022: Mastering The Mind and Body for Leadership with Margy Feldhuhn
May 15, 2023 • 41 MIN
There are endless discussions and perspectives around great leadership - but what almost everyone agrees on is that leadership is more than directing tasks and delegating responsibilities. At it’s core it is about fostering relationships and creating a positive work culture. Something which seems easy - but also seems to be missing from most working environments! And it is entirely possibly that at the heart of the leadership challenge is a lack of awareness around nervous system regulation and its impact on our environments. In this episode of the Raise 1000 Voices podcast, Forbes-featured Margy Feldhuhn shares the importance of understanding your nervous system regulation and co-regulation as a leader. Margy explains how our nervous system responses impact our ability to communicate effectively, build relationships, and lead compassionately. She emphasizes the need for leaders to prioritize their nervous system regulation and understand its impact on their team members. Margy also shares practical strategies for improving self and co-regulation skills. By implementing these strategies, leaders can create a positive and productive work environment that supports the well-being of all team members. Join us in this episode as we explore the fascinating topic of nervous system regulation in leadership and learn from Margy's expertise.
021: Olympic Gold & Staying Relevant with Kerri Pottharst OAM OLY
May 8, 2023 • 51 MIN
Olympic gold is a coveted prize for elite athletes who have dedicated their lives to striving for excellence. But the ability to play - and win - at an elite level is not a life-long plan, so how do athletes stay relevant after achieving an Olympic Gold Medal? In this episode of Raise 1000 Voices, Kerri Pottharst lets us into her amazing athletic journey and how she managed to stay relevant even after her professional career in volleyball. Kerri is known for being Australia’s most decorated Indoor and Beach Volleyball player who represented her country for over 20 years. Kerri showed the world that with strong dedication and hard work, exceptional outcomes will manifest. Her winning partnership with Natalie Cook resulted in 2 Olympic medals - GOLD at the Sydney 2000 Olympics and Bronze in Atlanta in 1996 - laying the groundwork for Australians to recognise beach volleyball as an elite sport. Kerri has also earned another accolade through transitioning to a successful speaking career - still in demand more than 20 years after winning the Gold Medal. She’s able to transition and apply learnings and experiences into awesome storytelling that’s relevant to the audience she speaks to. Moreover, she’s helping her tribe - fellow athletes - share their stories because their unique journeys to resonate and inspire others. As a bona fide ace Olympian, Kerri is often asked about the secret to her successful career and she describes this in a way that encompasses her personal life as well - being passionate about what you do, doing all the hard work, and building the belief that you can do what you’re aiming for.
020: Amplifying Your Authentic Message Through AI With Amy Yamada
May 1, 2023 • 48 MIN
Are you looking to provide a unique and authentic message to engage your target audience? As the world becomes increasingly digital, it’s more important than ever for businesses to find ways to stand out from their competitors. But how exactly can you amplify your authentic message through AI (artificial intelligence)? Luckily, technological advances have made it easier for us all to leverage modern tools and experience real growth within our organizations. In this episode of the Raise 1000 Voices podcast, Amy Yamada shares some key perspectives on maximizing AI technologies, such as ChatGPT, to amplify your authentic message and create meaningful connections with your audience. Amy worked as a Marketing Director and an Advertising Executive for fifteen years before starting her coaching business. Today, she is helping coaches and entrepreneurs to be seen, heard, and understood by their people. She talks about how AI technologies can help you to focus on what matters most – creating conversations that will bring value to your target audience. According to Amy, AI technologies can help you to communicate more efficiently and effectively. She believes meaningful conversations with your people are essential, and the best way to do this is through AI-powered tools. If you want to learn more about leveraging AI technology to amplify your message, don’t miss this episode!
019: Embracing The Power Of Being a Highly Sensitive Person with Heather Dominick
April 24, 2023 • 43 MIN
In the constantly changing and demanding arena of leadership and entrepreneurship, there is an increasing sense of overwhelm, of being stuck for what feels to be indefinable reasons. And for 20% of the world’s population it is more than just a sense. They are in fact a highly sensitive person - for whom the ‘traditional’ structures of career and business simply do not work In this episode of the Raise 1000 Voices podcast, I share an exciting conversation about embracing the power of being a highly sensitive person with the Highly Sensitive Leadership Mentor, Heather Dominick. Heather created the Highly Sensitive (entrepreneurs) and Leaders movement as a result of experiencing extreme burnout - questioning everything she was doing became the crucial moment she discovered she is a highly sensitive person. This led to the realisation that she needed a different approach to business and day-to-day experiences. Navigating and then codifying how to do this, Heather launched the Highly Sensitive Revolution more than a decade ago believing the creation of a space which showed leaders and entrepreneurs how to the turn the shadows of being highly sensitive into their greatest strength would in fact unleash their superpowers. Her global movement, community and clients have proven this to be true. With Heather’s expertise and heart for the highly sensitive she has lead the way in celebrating the highly sensitive being - and this is a conversation you do not want to miss.
018: Holding Space and Empowering Little Humans with Nichole Hamilton
April 17, 2023 • 37 MIN
Most of us are drawn to doing the work that will fix what breaks our hearts - and for most of us there is nothing more heartbreaking than seeing a young child living in trauma, completely disengaged, and for who forming a connection already seems impossible. In a world where we seem to have less and less time to connect deeply, there is a rapidly growing need for our youth to feel loved, supported, and seen. And we need to, as a community, embrace stepping up to help in the raising of future generations who are not in the grips of trauma response, who are in fact deeply connected and thriving. In this episode of the Raise 1000 Voices podcast, the wonderful Nichole Hamilton shares the positive impact of holding space and empowering children, whom she refers to as “little humans.” Nichole’s work is focused on the little humans in our world, and in this she teaches parents how to self-regulate, hold space for their little humans and step into the best role model they can be - even when they didn’t have one themselves. She firmly believes our little humans are capable of achieving anything they want to if they are given the right love and support. And that when parents realise the power of the connection they establish, they don’t hesitate to look for better alternatives for enriching the life - and the future life - of their children.
017: How to Find Your Inner Strength and Let It Shine With Manna Abraham
April 10, 2023 • 47 MIN
Questioning our self worth appears to be part of the human experience. Do we deserve success, how are we to think we can do whatever we set our mind to, will people really listen, can I really go after exactly what I want. Imagine then coming into this world unwanted, as a girl born into an Indian family in India, and being raised by your grandmother in a culture which places both no and onerous expectations on how girls and women should behave. Manna Abraham’s extraordinary faith in the work she does now belies both the sensational global career she carved out - and she is that little Indian Girl, with every reason to sink into a feeling of being lost and powerless, overwhelmed by life’s challenges. Manna navigated her way out of cultural norms, lack of expectation, and no family or community support by finding a way to believe in herself and redefined the meaning of challenging moments — that instead of a cue to give up, they are a way of finding a different path with more confidence than before. In this episode of the Raise 1000 Voices podcast, we’ll talk with Manna about why having inner strength matters and discuss practical strategies for finding it within ourselves. We dive into how letting our inner strength shine through can positively shape our lives - giving us the courage courage to try new things, take risks, and be more resilient in the face of setbacks. It’s about believing in yourself and your power—knowing you can handle anything life throws, remembering building inner strength is a journey that starts with simple, small steps. And in this episode we share with you just how to start taking them.
016: Embracing The Mess in the Midlife Turning Point With Kate Billing
April 3, 2023 • 61 MIN
Midlife. It’s a period of your life that can often be fraught with confusion, fear, and anxiety as you grapple with the realisation that life is not just about getting older but also making sure you really live along the way. For so many, this realisation leads to feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about the future - and yet it is in embracing the mess that comes with processing big life changes that we find the deepest, most resonant clarity for want we want from ourselves, and our lives - the Midlife Turning Point holds the greatest of gifts The opportunity to take a step back, listen to your inner voice, and come out stronger for it! In this episode of the Raise 1000 Voices podcast, we speak with Kate Billing, one of New Zealand's leading voices on gender equity and leadership development. Our conversation goes beyond the typical mid-life crisis narrative to explore the power of self-awareness and personal growth, as well as why it’s so important to challenge yourself even when times are tough.
015: Unmasking Autism - and Revealing its True Power with Dr. Angela Lauria
February 13, 2023 • 55 MIN
We are usually witness to two initial reactions when someone, particularly a child, is diagnosed with Autism. The first one is of concern and fear about all the things that can’t or won’t happen. The second is in embracing and understanding all that autism adds to the world. Our next guest deliberately chose the second when diagnosed with autism as she turned 40 - realising she suddenly had a very clear explanation and deep understanding of just why her life had played out the way it had. In this episode of the Raise 1000 Voices podcast, we speak with Dr. Angela Lauria once again but this time on a different subject - unmasking autism and discovering its power. It is an eye-opening, deep conversation about removing the masks of autism so that we can see each other clearly.
014: The Impact of Women’s Active Citizenship with Kim Rubenstein
February 6, 2023 • 47 MIN
Not a single woman in Australia was involved in the drafting of the Australian Constitution in 1900. Women - 2 in particular - had to fight for changes to the federal judicial system which made participating in juries more accessible for women. Quite literally, women’s voices have been absent, ignored, excluded from the mechanisms that frame and govern almost every part of our life since the creation of our nation. Which is why Kim Rubenstein - one of Australia’s leading experts in Active Citizenship - is so passionate about her work in Constitutional Law. In this conversation we unlock the importance of women raising their voices, stepping into active citizenship - and why our voices are vital in the next era of Nation building and the necessary constitutional shifts
013: Compassion, Grace & Mastering our Inner Life with Claudia Chan
January 30, 2023 • 55 MIN
Claudia Chan is a powerhouse in the empowerment of women in leadership - having founded the wildly successful, award winning S.H.E Summit in New York 10 years ago before writing the acclaimed book 'This Is How We Rise'. She has an innate drive to break people out of the constraints of living a life in the shadows of others’ pressures and expectations - something which had become the norm for most, especially women, before she launched her revolutionary work and perspective through S.H.E Summits. Claudia’s work has made a difference. Creating and curating multi-7-figure deals for herself, helping women accelerate their rise to the top no matter their endeavour - Claudia has helped 1,000’s of women to achieve whatever they want. And yet she realised the ‘outer work’ is not enough. That she needed to evolve her work into the whole of the person standing in front of her, and in this episode of the Raise 1000 Voices podcast, Claudia and I explore the expansion of possibility that arises when we practice compassion, grace, and mastery of our inner life.
012: A Humanitarian Approach to Creating Cultures of Courage with Sarah Morse
January 23, 2023 • 47 MIN
The thread of culture weaves its way through every element of our life; it underpins how we work, how we think, in our relationships, our communities and creates the rules for the social and economic environments within which we all exist. Culture, wherever it shows, shapes how we see ourselves, the world, and opportunities. And unless we are willing to explore and experience the cultural lives of others we remain completely unaware of what happens when more oppressive cultures are allowed to thrive - when freedoms are stripped away, practices dictated, and hope abandoned. In this episode of the Raise 1000 Voices podcast Sarah Morse and I weave our way through just some of her global humanitarian adventures, and the formidable foundations it has created as she takes a Humanitarian Approach to creating Cultures of C.O.U.R.A.G.E.
011: Creating Change to Elevate Women with Jen Wittwer
January 16, 2023 • 55 MIN
Do what you can with what you have from where you are. Three elements that have the power to create the strongest waves of change - especially for women working in male dominated industries who have a higher risk of experiencing bullying, discrimination, and harassment, and often fewer opportunities. In this episode of Raise 1000 Voices, we discover just how “do what you can with what you have from where you are” has created powerful change to elevate women - and claim their rightful place - in one of the most male dominated arenas in Australia, with Jen Wittwer CSM.
010: Powerful Insights From Previous Episodes and What to Expect Moving Forward
January 9, 2023 • 16 MIN
As we begin the adventures a new year brings, we have also been mapping out future plans for Raise 1000 Voices - giving us the space to go over and reflect on the powerful stories shared by incredible women and the remarkable insights and learnings we were gifted from each and every one of them.
008: Liberating the Inner Author - and Sharing PHENOMENAL Stories with Dr. Angela Lauria
December 12, 2022 • 56 MIN
The characteristics of great storytelling vary for each person but what makes a story remarkable is similar for most people - it's the power to make a connection and influence readers. In this episode of the Raise 1000 Voices podcast, we sink right into a fun conversation liberating your inner author and sharing phenomenal stories with Dr. Angela Lauria.
007: Claim Your True Purpose By Acknowledging Who You Truly Are with Julie Cross
December 5, 2022 • 48 MIN
Don’t you think it is more than a little crazy that as we get a little older society expects you to act and show up in a different way? Not only is it crazy, these expectation sometimes erode your voice and diminish your purpose. In this episode of the Raise 1000 Voices podcast we get really serious about allowing our pathway and purpose to unfold by falling in love with who you truly are with Julie Cross.
006: The Power of Compelling Story Telling with Zara Love
November 28, 2022 • 53 MIN
Telling a story well sparks action in both the physical and emotional sense - driving others to become more motivated, believe in themselves, or try something new. In this episode of the Raise 1000 Voices podcast, we reveal the power of compelling storytelling with Zara Love.
005: The Fight to Eradicate Period Poverty with Rochelle Courtenay
November 21, 2022 • 44 MIN
In Australia we have bought in to the sense we live in ‘a lucky country’. Which is why it is astounding we have to fight to get attention on one issue that effects hundreds of thousands of women, right here. In this episode of the Raise 1000 Voices podcast, we throw a spotlight on the fight to eradicate period poverty with Rochelle Courtenay.
004: Understanding The Power of One and How It Creates Ripples of Change with Rabia Siddique
November 16, 2022 • 48 MIN
You might never know the impact you bring on another person. Most won’t even realise the importance and influence of every action and decision they make. In this episode of the Raise 1000 Voices podcast, we chat about understanding the power of one and how it creates ripples of change with Rabia Siddique.
003: The Generational Impact When Women Don’t Lead with Karolina Gunsser
November 14, 2022 • 51 MIN
All our lives, women have been led to believe we need to lead like men, or in place of men. And this has a detrimental effect on our leadership and how we communicate with others. In this episode of the Raise 1000 Voices podcast, we’ll learn about the generational impact when women don’t lead with Karolina Gunsser.
002: The Power of Being Interesting with Maz Farrelly
November 14, 2022 • 60 MIN
No matter what stage of life we are in, the constant fear of standing out and being different somehow lingers. This has a compelling impact on how we interact with others. In this episode of Raise 1000 Voices (the podcast), we talk about the power of being interesting with Maz Farrelly.
001: The Cost of Diminishment with Erika Cramer
November 14, 2022 • 50 MIN
We often believe how we are raised doesn’t affect us. We view childhood experiences through the lens of adulthood and discrediting their effects on our lives. In this pilot episode of Raise 1000 Voices (the podcast) we’re going to discover the cost of diminishment with Erika Cramer.
000: Welcome To Our World
November 11, 2022 • 14 MIN
Raise 1000 Voices podcast is a place where women gather to learn the science and the art of influence - the skills of speaking, pitching, selling and negotiating which accelerate our ability to move from where we are now to where we want to be It is not a bright, bold, idea created on a whim.  This is the new home of more than 20 years successfully unlocking the power of stories, voices, language and questions.  It is a powerful infusion of lived experience, corporate games, the start up trenches and creating movements -  distilled into insights and lessons for all.