Patchwork to Paychecks
Patchwork to Paychecks Podcast, your ultimate destination for transforming your quilting expertise into a thriving ecommerce store. Your crafting talents are more than just a pastime; they have the potential to help you become an entrepreneurial success and financially independent . Whether you're an accomplished quilter or a creative soul with a unique product to offer, my mission is to provide you with the knowledge and tools to design, set up, and flourish in your very own online store.
1: Options for handling customer support
February 11, 2024 • 9 MIN
In episode #1 of the Patchwork to Paychecks Podcast, Becky chats about ideas on handling your customer support. It doesn't have to be complicated - let's explore the options of dealing with them yourself as well as hiring it out.
0: Pilot for Patchwork to Paychecks Podcast
February 10, 2024 • 3 MIN
Welcome to the Patchwork to Paychecks Podcast. Here's where it all began... and a little background to what to expect and where this is going.