Matchmaker Matchmaker
Join Netflix Jewish Matchmaker Aleeza Ben Shalom and "The Love Rabbi" Rabbi Yisroel Bernath as they handle the toughest questions about dating and finding your soulmate. Nothing is scripted. These are real questions from people just like you answered by two of the worlds most well known matchmakers.
Is Love Enough?
April 14, 2024 • 8 MIN
Welcome to another episode of the Matchmaker Matchmaker podcast where your hosts, Jewish dating experts Aleeza and Rabbi, discuss this week's listeners' question: 'What do you do when a girl doesn't want you But you know, she loves you?' They break down emotional dilemmas, historical perspectives on marriage, and the practical aspects needed beyond love to build a sustainable relationship. Key Points Discussed: Discussion on why love might not be sufficient for marriage, emphasizing compatibility and shared life paths. Exploring how the concept of marrying solely for love is a relatively modern development, contrasting with historical reasons such as financial or social advantages. The importance of aligning on life goals, values, and personal habits is discussed as essential alongside love for a healthy marriage. Evaluating whether love itself can sustain a marriage and what other elements are crucial for a lasting partnership. To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Dealing with Lack of Physical Attraction
April 10, 2024 • 10 MIN
Welcome back to another episode of the Matchmaker Matchmaker Podcast. On this week's episode, Aleeza and Rabbi discuss the complexities of physical attraction in dating and relationships. They go into the question of what to do when someone attempts to set you up with a person who is considered a great match, but you don't find them physically attractive. The hosts explore the nuances of this situation and provide insights on how to approach it. Key Points: The Importance of Physical Attraction: Aleeza and Rabbi discuss the significance of physical attraction in relationships, acknowledging its role while also exploring its limitations. Handling "Hard No" Situations: The hosts provide advice on how to navigate situations where there is an immediate lack of physical attraction and when it's appropriate to decline a potential match outright. Giving It a Chance: Aleeza and Rabbi share anecdotes and examples of instances where initial lack of physical attraction evolved after giving the relationship a chance, emphasizing the value of getting to know someone beyond their appearance. Patience and Decision-Making: The episode concludes with a blessing for patience and wisdom, underscoring the importance of taking time to make the right decision after a few dates and allowing both the heart and mind to align. To submit your question for a future episode, go to
How Long Does It Take to Build Trust?
March 31, 2024 • 9 MIN
Join us this week on "Matchmaker Matchmaker" as Aleeza and Rabbi discuss trust in relationships. They explore the time it takes to establish trust, the link between commitment and the growth of trust, and the impact of personal insecurities and past traumas on trust-building. Throughout the episode, they share practical perspectives, stressing the importance of open communication to navigate challenges related to trust. Tune in to unravel the layers of trust and its pivotal role in the journey of love and commitment. Key Points: The hosts emphasize the time it takes to develop trust, highlighting that true trust often takes years to develop, as supported by research findings. Aleeza and Rabbi discuss the correlation between commitment and the growth of trust, emphasizing that trust evolves with the level of commitment within the relationship. The impact of personal insecurities and past traumas on the timeline for establishing trust is addressed, with the hosts stressing the importance of open communication to navigate these challenges. Throughout the episode, practical perspectives are shared, shedding light on the significance of consistency, reliability, vulnerability, and personal integrity in building trust within relationships. To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Do Women Fall In Love Faster Than Men
March 24, 2024 • 9 MIN
Welcome back to another episode of Matchmaker Matchmaker, where Rabbi and Aleeza discuss whether women fall in love faster than men. They challenge this common assumption, sharing personal stories and emphasizing the importance of clear communication in relationships. The hosts also touch on the role of matchmakers in guiding relationship milestones and share insights into surprise proposals. Key Points: Challenging Traditional Assumptions: Rabbi and Aleeza question the belief that women fall in love faster than men, offering personal stories that challenge this idea. Redefining Love: The hosts advocate for a more intentional and proactive approach to emotional connection, emphasizing growth and mutual understanding over the terminology of "falling in love." The Role of Communication: Stressing the importance of open communication in relationships, the hosts share personal stories to highlight understanding each other's perspectives and preferences. Proposal Insights: Rabbi and Aleeza discuss surprise proposals, emphasizing the significance of understanding individual preferences and the potential role of matchmakers in guiding relationship milestones. To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Is There Something Wrong with Me?
March 17, 2024 • 9 MIN
Join us today on the Matchmaker Matchmaker podcast as Aleeza and Rabbi discuss the common doubts and challenges individuals face in finding the right partner. They explore the importance of asking the right questions and reframing the search for love. The conversation also goes into the significance of non-negotiables in relationships and the varied importance of specific traits in different individuals' search for a partner. Key Points: Aleeza and Rabbi emphasize the need to reframe one's mindset from "Is there something wrong with me?" to more proactive inquiries when searching for a partner. The speakers discuss the concept of non-negotiables in relationships, highlighting the difference between essential traits and desirable bonuses in a potential partner. They share insights into recognizing the existence of desired traits in others and the common experiences of individuals who struggle to find someone who embodies the qualities they seek. The discussion also touches on the role of humor and compatibility in relationships, shedding light on the varied importance of specific traits in different individuals' search for a partner. To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Responding to Assumptions When Single
March 10, 2024 • 8 MIN
In this episode, Aleeza and Rabbi discuss the common scenario of being mistaken for being married and how to respond to such assumptions. They share playful and humorous ways to handle these situations, emphasizing the importance of using humor to break the ice and creating relational opportunities. relationship status. Key Points: Using Humor: Aleeza and Rabbi advocate for responding to assumptions about being married with playful and humorous remarks, utilizing humor to diffuse tension and create a lighthearted interaction. Relational Opportunities: The hosts emphasize the abundance of relational opportunities in everyday life, from nonverbal interactions to casual conversations, highlighting the potential for unexpected connections in daily encounters. Embracing Playfulness: They encourage listeners to embrace humor and playfulness in responding to assumptions, viewing such moments as opportunities for engagement and connection. Positive Responses: Aleeza and Rabbi stress the importance of responding in a way that promotes positivity and opens the door to potential connections, emphasizing the value of seizing relational opportunities in various interactions. To submit your question for a future episode, go to
How to Kindly Reject Someone
March 3, 2024 • 9 MIN
Join us In this episode of Matchmaker Matchmerk where your hosts, Aleeza and Rabbi discuss the challenging task of rejecting someone kindly in dating situations. They explore the use of technology, particularly Chat GPT, as a means to craft considerate rejections while emphasizing the ethical and responsible use of such tools. Key Points: Challenges of Kind Rejection: Discussion on the difficulties of conveying rejection kindly without being overly blunt. Role of Matchmakers: Exploring the potential role of a matchmaker in handling rejections in the dating process. Technology as a Communication Tool: Exploring the use of technology, particularly Chat GPT, as a helpful tool in communicating sensitive messages, emphasizing the ethical and responsible use of such tools. Ethical Considerations in Technology Use: Touching on the ethical considerations when leveraging technology in the dating and rejection process, integrating modern tools with traditional values within the context of Judaism. To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Am I in the Friend Zone or Not?
February 25, 2024 • 9 MIN
Join us this week in the Matchmaker Matchmaker Podcast, where Rabbi and Aleeza discuss a listener's question that's all too familiar: Am I in the friend zone? They unpack what it means to be in the friend zone, the signs to look out for, and how to deal with the uncertainty of a relationship that might be stuck in friendship territory. Whether it's fear of ruining a good friendship or simply not feeling the spark, our hosts share their views on how to work this tricky situation. Key Points: The 'Friend Zone' Reality: Discussing whether true friendships can stay just that or if they're always a stepping stone to romance. Friendship as a Relationship Cornerstone: Exploring how friendships can be the starting point for a strong romantic relationship. Taking Chances Beyond Friendship: The pros and cons of moving past the friend zone and how to take that leap. Deciding Between Friendship and Romance: Advice on choosing whether to pursue a romantic relationship with a friend or to keep the friendship as it is. To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Addressing Dating Habits and Etiquette
February 18, 2024 • 8 MIN
Welcome to another episode of the Matchmaker Matchmaker podcast, where your hosts, Jewish matchmakers Aleeza and Rabbi, go into the intricacies of dating and relationships within the Jewish community. Today's question comes from a listener who is perplexed by her date's annoying habits, such as repetitive phrases, and his decision-making, like letting her walk home alone and splitting the bill for coffee. Is she being too picky, or are these legitimate concerns? Aleeza and Rabbi dissect these behaviors, offering insights into communication, social etiquette, and when to speak up in a budding relationship. Key Points: Communication Habits: The conversation opens with the issue of repetitive phrases. Aleeza suggests that it could be a self-soothing mechanism for nervousness, while Rabbi points out the possibility of the date being oblivious to social cues. They both agree that it's something that can be worked on, especially if it's just a symptom of initial dating jitters. Safety and Courtesy: The man's decision not to walk the listener home after a late-night date sparks a debate about safety and common courtesy. Aleeza firmly believes in the responsibility of companions to look out for each other's safety, while Rabbi discusses how direct communication could solve this concern. Splitting the Bill: Aleeza and Rabbi explore the complexities of splitting the bill. They recognize that while this might be a contentious issue, it's important to understand each other's perspectives and expectations. It could also be an indicator of deeper values and how they align. Focus on the Positives and Deal-Breakers: Rabbi emphasizes the importance of weighing the good against the bad. If the listener finds more positives in the relationship, it may be worth addressing these concerns directly. Aleeza advises that if the negatives are too overwhelming, it might be a sign to reassess the potential of the relationship.
Why Don't They Ever Call Back?
February 11, 2024 • 10 MIN
Jump right into this episode where Rabbi and Aleeza get real about a question many of us have after a date: why don't they call back like they said they would? They break down the reasons behind the silence after a date and get into the nitty-gritty of dating do's and don'ts today. Episode Highlights: Spotting the Signs: Aleeza gives it to you straight on how to tell if someone's just being nice or if they're actually into you. Not About You: Rabbi chimes in to say that sometimes it's not your fault at all – the other person might have their own stuff going on. Who Should Call Who?: They hash out if it's cool to stick with the old ways where guys make the first move, or if it's time to shake things up. Don't Give Up: They both agree – keep on dating and don't get down when things don't work out. The right one will come along and make the effort. Got ghosted? Confused by mixed messages? Rabbi and Aleeza have got some stories, advice, and a good dose of humor for you. Tune in to get the lowdown on why that second date might not be happening, and why that's totally okay. To submit your question for a future episode, go to
How Recent Events have changed Jewish Dating
February 4, 2024 • 12 MIN
In this episode of Matchmaker Matchmaker, Rabbi and Aleeza discuss the impact of the October 7th massacre on the Jewish community's approach to dating. They go into the heightened urgency and motivation to find a life partner following the tragic event, comparing it to the sense of urgency felt during the COVID-19 pandemic. The hosts explore how this event has led to a shift towards a more focused and intentional search for a Jewish life partner, noting changes in the diaspora and Israel. They also touch on the challenges faced in Israel due to the ongoing crisis and innovative ways individuals are seeking connections, offering a shared blessing for listeners to find their soulmates amidst these challenging times. Key Points: - The profound impact of the October 7th massacre on the Jewish community's approach to dating - Comparison of urgency post-massacre to the urgency felt during the COVID-19 pandemic - Shift towards a more focused and intentional search for a Jewish life partner - Challenges faced and innovative ways of seeking connections in the Jewish community, particularly in Israel To submit your question for a future episode, go to #JewishDatingShifts #CommunityReflections #DatingPostTragedy #NavigatingChange #LoveAmidstChallenges
How Important is Attire for Dates?
January 28, 2024 • 14 MIN
In this episode, Rabbi and Aleeza discuss the importance of dressing for dates and share their perspectives on finding the right balance between personal style and making a positive impression. They share personal experiences and provide practical tips for choosing an outfit that reflects your true self and matches the dating environment. The key topics covered in this episode include: - The significance of dressing in a way that represents your regular self - The impact of attire on creating the right impression - How to integrate self-expression while being mindful of the dating context - Discussing the appropriate time to showcase different sides of your personality To submit your question for a future episode, go to
The Difference Between a Nice Guy and a Kind Guy
October 22, 2023 • 7 MIN
Aleeza and Rabbi are back for another episode of Matchmaker Matchmaker this week. They're tackling a listener's question: "What's the difference between a good guy and a kind guy?" They explain that a good guy is not only nice but also has a fun and engaging personality and is genuinely interested in getting to know people. On the other hand, a kind guy is someone who is simply nice, polite, and agreeable but may not be as interesting or engaging as a good guy. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Secrets of a Low Divorce Rate in the Orthodox Jewish Community
October 15, 2023 • 7 MIN
Have you ever wondered why divorce rates in the Orthodox Jewish community remain remarkably low? On this weeks episode of the Matchmaker Matchmaker podcast, Rabbi and Aleeza explore this intriguing question, shedding light on the factors that contribute to the resilience of marriages within this community. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Why Am I Attracted to Bad Boys?
October 8, 2023 • 7 MIN
Join your dating experts on a brand new episode of Matchmaker Matchmaker. Aleeza and Rabbi discuss the question 'Why am I attracted to bad boys'. They explore the reasons why people are attracted to bad boys, even though they know they are not good for them. They also offer some advice on how to shift your desires to something that is actually good for you. Key Points: - People are attracted to bad boys for a variety of reasons, including their physical appearance, attitude, and behavior. - Bad boys often play mind games with their partners, which can be both exciting and addictive. - People who are attracted to bad boys may have had a negative experience in their past that made them feel comfortable with this type of person. - It is possible to overcome the attraction to bad boys, but it requires a deep understanding of yourself and your needs. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Dating Someone Who Had a Near-Death Experience
October 1, 2023 • 7 MIN
Join Rabbi and Aleeza on this week's episode of Matchmaker as they discuss the challenges and rewards of dating someone who has had a near-death experience. They explore how the experience can change a person's perspective on life and death, and how this can impact their relationships. Key Points: - People who have had near-death experiences often have a heightened sense of urgency and purpose. - They may be more focused on living in the moment and making the most of their time. - This can be challenging for partners who may not have the same outlook on life. - However, it can also be an opportunity for both partners to learn and grow from each other. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Avoiding the Friendzone
September 24, 2023 • 8 MIN
Join Aleeza and Rabbi as they talk about how to avoid ending up just as friends when you want something more in a relationship. They have different views on whether guys can put women in the friendzone, but they agree that being honest about your feelings is key. They suggest a few practical tips, like being upfront about your emotions, not being afraid to ask someone out, and not hanging around if it's clear the other person isn't interested. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
What's Keeping You Stuck in Dating?
September 17, 2023 • 5 MIN
Welcome back to another episode of Matchmaker Matchmaker! In today's show, Aleeza and Rabbi are here to chat with you about what might be holding you back in the dating scene. They'll talk about the importance of looking inward and asking for advice from others. Plus, they'll share some practical tips to help you get out of that dating rut, like finding a mentor or coach. Key Points: The first step to getting unstuck is to identify what's holding you back. This may require some introspection and self-reflection. Once you know what's holding you back, you can start to brainstorm ways to overcome it. Getting feedback from others can be helpful in identifying your blind spots. There are many resources available to help you get unstuck, such as mentors, coaches, and online courses. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Unexpected attraction
September 3, 2023 • 5 MIN
Join us today in the Matchmaker Matchmaker podcast! Aleeza and Rabbi discuss what to do when you're attracted to someone who's not your type. They talk about the importance of being open-minded and giving someone a chance, even if they don't fit your preconceived notions of what you're looking for in a partner. They also share some tips for dating someone who's not your type, such as taking things slow and being honest with yourself about your feelings. Key Points: Don't rule someone out just because they're not your "type." Be open-minded and give someone a chance. Take things slow and get to know the person. Be honest with yourself about your feelings. Don't be afraid to walk away if it's not a good fit. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
How to Handle Awkward Silence on a First Date
August 27, 2023 • 7 MIN
Welcome back to the Matchmaker Matchmaker podcast! In this episode, Aleeza and Rabbi are tackling a common concern: how to deal with those awkward moments of silence on a first date. They chat about getting comfortable with quiet moments and using them to really get to know your date better. First dates can be a bit awkward, and it's totally okay to have those silent pauses. Tune in to get some down-to-earth advice on how to handle these situations! Embracing Silence: Aleeza and Rabbi discuss handling awkward silence on first dates. Aleeza shares a peaceful moment with her husband during a park date. Rabbi sees value in comfortable silence indicating connection. Quiet Connection: Awkward silences early in relationships can show comfort in companionship. Aleeza relates it to meditation, staying calm during pauses. Redefining Awkwardness: Rabbi challenges viewing first-date awkwardness as natural. Don't judge based on that moment's discomfort. Pushing Forward: Aleeza and Rabbi suggest not letting silence stop second dates. Try the "five-day challenge," facing initial awkwardness for deeper connections. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
How to Ask Someone Out on a Date
August 20, 2023 • 8 MIN
On this episode of the Matchmaker Matchmaker podcast, Aleeza and Rabbi explore the intricacies of asking someone out confidently and directly. They highlight the importance of establishing a personal connection and discuss tips for choosing enjoyable date activities, along with advice on post-date follow-ups. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Pornography Addiction and Dating
August 13, 2023 • 13 MIN
Join Aleeza and Rabbi again on a follow-up conversation discussing the topic of pornography addiction and dating. They talk about the importance of being honest with potential partners about your addiction, and how to do so in a way that is respectful and compassionate. They also discuss the challenges of dating someone with a pornography addiction, and how to support your partner through their recovery. Key Points: Pornography addiction is a serious problem that can have a negative impact on relationships. It is important to be honest with potential partners about your pornography addiction, even if it is difficult. Dating someone with a pornography addiction can be challenging, but it is important to be supportive and understanding. Reach out to your counselor to get advice on when to discuss your addiction with your partner. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
The Challenges of Dating an Addict
August 6, 2023 • 10 MIN
In this episode of the Matchmaker Matchmaker podcast, Aleeza and Rabbi discuss the challenges of dating someone with an addiction. They talk about the importance of getting support for yourself, as well as the many resources available to help you understand addiction and how to support the addict in your life. Ultimately, whether or not to stay in a relationship with an addict is a personal decision that should be made after careful consideration. Key Points: Addiction is a serious issue that can have a profound impact on the addict's life and the lives of those around them. If you are dating someone with an addiction, it is important to get support for yourself. There are many resources available to help you understand addiction and how to support the addict in your life. Whether or not to stay in a relationship with an addict is a personal decision that should be made after careful consideration. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Why Isn't My Partner Listening?
July 30, 2023 • 6 MIN
Join Aleeza and Rabbi in this insightful episode as they address a common question from listeners: "What should I do if my partner isn't listening to me?" As dating experts, they provide valuable tips on how to enhance communication in your relationship and effectively deal with this challenging situation. Discover practical advice to create a stronger connection and understanding between you and your partner. Key Points: Check the timing. Are you approaching your partner when they're busy or distracted? If so, they may not be able to give you their full attention. Talk in person. Don't try to have a serious conversation from different rooms or over the phone. It's important to be able to see each other's facial expressions and body language. Be respectful. Don't interrupt your partner when they're speaking or talking over them. This will only make them feel unheard and disrespected. Be patient. It may take some time for your partner to learn how to listen to you better. Be patient and understanding, and continue to communicate your needs. Additional Thoughts: Ask for help from an outsider. If you're struggling to communicate with your partner, you may want to consider talking to a therapist or counselor. They can help you learn how to communicate more effectively and resolve any underlying issues. Remember that everyone is different. What works for one couple may not work for another. It's important to find what works best for you and your partner. Overall, the key to communicating effectively with your partner is to be respectful, patient, and understanding. If you can do these things, you'll be well on your way to resolving any communication problems you may be having. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Factors for a Long-Term Commitment
July 23, 2023 • 8 MIN
In this episode of the podcast, Aleeza and Rabbi discuss the important factors to consider when making a long-term commitment. They emphasize the importance of alignment in terms of values, lifestyle, and goals, as well as the need to be aware of any potential areas of conflict or disagreement. They also suggest that people who are considering making a long-term commitment create a list or spreadsheet of the factors they are considering, in order to make a more informed decision. Key Points: When making a long-term commitment, it is important to consider how much you and your partner are aligned in terms of values, lifestyle, and goals. It is also important to be aware of any potential areas of conflict or disagreement, and to discuss how you would handle these situations. Some people find it helpful to create a list or spreadsheet of the factors they are considering, in order to make a more informed decision. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to make a long-term commitment is a personal one. There is no right or wrong answer, and what is important is that you feel comfortable with your decision. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Love or Infatuation?
July 16, 2023 • 7 MIN
In this episode of the Matchmaker Matchmaker podcast, Rabbi and Aleeza discuss the difference between love and infatuation. They define love as an emotion based on giving, while infatuation is an emotion based on wanting. They also discuss how love takes time to develop, while infatuation can happen at first sight. Finally, they emphasize the importance of being able to tell the difference between love and infatuation in order to make healthy relationship decisions. Key Points: Love and infatuation are two different emotions, but they can be difficult to distinguish. Love is based on giving, while infatuation is based on wanting. Love takes time to develop, while infatuation can happen at first sight. Love is based on reality, while infatuation is based on fantasy. It is important to be able to tell the difference between love and infatuation in order to make healthy relationship decisions. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Aligning Dreams and Goals In Your Relationship
July 9, 2023 • 18 MIN
Join Aleeza and Rabbi on a very special episode of the Matchmaker Podcast as they go into the significance of aligning goals and dreams in a relationship. Drawing from her personal experiences, Aleeza shares how she and her partner went through a working role reversal within their own dynamic. The duo offers some insights on effectively communicating goals and dreams with your partner, as well as finding common ground. Throughout the episode, they underscore the importance of flexibility and compromise as indispensable pillars of a thriving relationship. Key Points: Similar goals and dreams play a crucial role in fostering a healthy relationship, enabling couples to work towards shared aspirations. While it is possible to harbor different goals and dreams within a relationship, honesty and open communication are vital in ensuring understanding. By engaging in conversations about individual goals and dreams, couples can discover opportunities for mutual support and identify areas of alignment. Flexibility and compromise emerge as essential qualities for cultivating a successful relationship, allowing partners to accommodate each other's aspirations while maintaining a harmonious balance. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Feeling Used In Your Relationship
July 2, 2023 • 8 MIN
Coming up in this week's episode of Matchmaker Matchmaker, Aleeza and Rabbi discuss how to tell if you're being used in a relationship. They believe that if you're asking the question, you already know the answer. They both go on to talk about the patterns that people who are being used often fall into, such as having a history of being in relationships with narcissists. They recommend taking time to reflect on your past and identify these patterns so that you can break them and create healthier relationships in the future. Key Points: If you're asking the question "How do I know if I'm being used?", you already know the answer. People who are being used in relationships often have a history of being in relationships with narcissists. It's important to take time to reflect on your past and identify the patterns that have led you to this point. Once you've identified the patterns, you can start to break them and create healthier relationships in the future. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Handling Relationship Arguments
June 25, 2023 • 7 MIN
Join Rabbi and Aleeza on this exciting podcast as they delve into the realm of relationship arguments and share valuable insights on how to handle them effectively. While disagreements are inevitable, the key lies in maintaining focus and addressing the core issue at hand. Discover why fighting on topic is crucial for healthy conflict resolution, how to avoid fighting dirty by staying on track, and the significance of addressing the present moment. Learn from the experts and enhance your relationship communication skills to foster growth and understanding. Key Points: The Importance of Fighting: Arguments are an essential part of relationships as they provide an opportunity for growth and understanding. The notion of never arguing can be a red flag, indicating the absence of healthy communication and a willingness to address challenges. The Right Kind of Arguing: Not all arguments are created equal. It's essential to engage in productive disagreements that focus on the specific topic at hand. By avoiding personal attacks or bringing in unrelated issues, couples can create a space for constructive dialogue and problem-solving. Fighting Fair: Fighting fair involves several aspects, including staying on topic, refraining from meanness or sarcasm (unless both partners are comfortable with it), and aiming to uplift the relationship rather than tear it down. The objective is to address the issue and find resolutions while respecting each other's perspectives. Seeking Help when Needed: If an argument becomes an existential issue or a recurring theme that affects the overall relationship, seeking professional guidance, such as couples therapy, counseling, or mentorship, can provide valuable support and facilitate a significant shift in dynamics. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
How to Let Go of a Past Relationship
June 18, 2023 • 8 MIN
In this podcast, Rabbi and Aleeza discuss the issue of people who are "married to people in their head" - people who are unable to move on from a past relationship, even though the relationship has ended. The Rabbi and Aleeza offer advice on how to let go of a past relationship and open yourself up to new possibilities. Key Points: - Acknowledge your feelings. It's normal to feel sad, angry, or even guilty after a breakup. Don't try to bottle up your emotions. Allow yourself to feel them, and then let them go. - Focus on the present. It's easy to get caught up in the past, but it's important to focus on the present moment. What can you do today to make your life better? - Open yourself up to new possibilities. Don't close yourself off to new relationships just because you're still hurting from a past one. There are plenty of great people out there who are waiting to meet you. Check out the video version of this show at Do you want expert advice on your dating and relationship questions? Head over to to submit your queries and it might get featured in a future show. For more dating wisdom and advice, download a free copy of Aleeza's book, ‘Get Real, Get Married’ at our website
Is It Okay to Analyze Someone at First Sight?
June 11, 2023 • 8 MIN
In this episode of the podcast, Rabbi and Aleeza discuss whether it is okay to size someone up at first sight. They argue that it is normal for people to make snap judgments about others, but that these judgments should not be taken too seriously. They also discuss the importance of giving people a chance to get to know you before making any final decisions about them. Key Points: It is normal to make snap judgments about others, but these judgments should not be taken too seriously. Give people a chance to get to know you before making any final decisions about them. Attraction is often based on familiarity. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Are Long Distance Relationships Worth It?
June 4, 2023 • 6 MIN
In this episode, Aleeza and Rabbi discuss the pros and cons of long distance relationships. They talk about the challenges of being in a relationship with someone who is far away, as well as the benefits of being able to focus on your career or education without having to worry about a relationship. They also offer advice on how to make a long distance relationship work. Key Points: Long-distance relationships can be very rewarding, but they also require a lot of effort and communication. It's important to be honest with yourself about whether or not you're willing to put in the work. If you're both committed to making the relationship work, it can be a great way to grow closer and learn more about each other. There are a number of things you can do to make a long distance relationship work, such as: Communicating regularly, both through text, phone, and video chat Planning regular visits Trusting each other Being patient and understanding Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Knowing When to End a Relationship
June 1, 2023 • 9 MIN
In this episode, the hosts Aleeza and Rabbi, discuss the topic of knowing when it's time to end a relationship. They introduce the concept of "soulmate clarity" and explain a system for evaluating relationships based on values, fears, and irritants. By ranking these factors against personal values and assessing how much the other person triggers and irritates, one can determine the potential of the relationship. The hosts emphasize the importance of having clarity to avoid looking back with regret and to prevent choosing the wrong person. They also touch upon the idea of avoiding divorce by entering engagements with confidence. Episode Highlights: Introduction to the concept of "soulmate clarity" and a system for evaluating relationships based on personal values, fears, and irritants. The significance of having clarity to avoid regrets and making wrong choices in relationships. Exploring the idea of preventing divorce by entering engagements with confidence and certainty. The challenges of creating an automated system for soulmate clarity due to the need for accuracy and the value of mentorship. Advice on dating until a clear "no" is established and shifting the focus from love at first sight, to love that lasts over time. To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Dealing with Annoying Habits in Relationships
May 21, 2023 • 8 MIN
Join Rabbi and Aleeza as they address a listener's question regarding a partner's annoying habits and catchphrases. The hosts stress the significance of open communication, expressing preferences, and seeking professional guidance when necessary. They shed light on the role of matchmakers in relationships, suggesting the involvement of a "fixer" matchmaker to provide support. Overall, the episode provides valuable insights and practical advice for navigating repetitive behaviors in early relationships while fostering understanding and connection. Key Points: - Importance of open communication and expressing preferences in relationships. - Highlighting the role of matchmakers in providing guidance and support. - Suggestion to involve a "fixer" matchmaker to address the issue. - Emphasizing the value of seeking guidance and support from professionals. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Do Women Get Criticized More for Being Selective in Dating?
May 14, 2023 • 10 MIN
Welcome to another exciting episode of Matchmaker Matchmaker, where your hosts Aleeza and Rabbi, the ultimate dating experts, tackle this week's question - 'Is it fair that Men are allowed to be pickier than women'? You'll get to hear about a real-life story of a woman who was unapologetically specific about her dating preferences and how that worked out for her. Plus, you'll learn about the different types of decision-makers in relationships - I decision-makers, WE decision-makers, and YOU decision-makers - and how it impacts the dating game. And if that's not enough, Aleeza and Rabbi also share some valuable insights on knowing your own personality type and finding a compatible partner who complements it. So don't miss out on this eye-opening episode and be sure to stick around for the conclusion and key takeaways. Key points: - Discussion about whether women are judged more harshly than men for being picky in dating Story of a woman who knew exactly what she wanted and was particular about her list - Explanation of the different types of decision-makers in relationships: AI decision-makers, we decision-makers, and huge decision-makers - Importance of knowing your own personality type and finding a compatible partner who can complement it - Conclusion and key takeaways Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
The Three Core Behaviors for a Happy Lifetime Relationship
May 7, 2023 • 9 MIN
In this episode, Aleeza and Rabbi talk about the three core reasons or behaviors for a relationship to be happy for a lifetime. They discuss the importance of kindness, humor, and honesty, but Aleeza wants to replace kindness with something better. Rabbi believes that trust is the most important thing in a relationship, but Aleeza argues that it's not identifiable enough. They then discuss giving and curiosity as the other two core reasons for a relationship to be happy for a lifetime. Join in this conversation by letting us know what you think the root of trust is. You can send a voice note to our socials or drop us a message on our website below. Key Points: - Trust is mentioned as the number one thing that cannot be identified at the beginning of a relationship, but can be built over time through small acts of trust. - Giving is mentioned as the second important factor for a happy relationship, as love grows from giving and developing a deeper understanding of each other. - Curiosity is mentioned as the third important factor, as it promotes continued growth and learning in the relationship. Check out the video version of this show at Do you want expert advice on your dating and relationship questions? Head over to to submit your queries and it might get featured in a future show. For more dating wisdom and advice, download a free copy of Aleeza's book, ‘Get Real, Get Married’ at our website
How to Decipher your Dates True Intentions
April 23, 2023 • 6 MIN
Aleeza and Rabbi are back with your weekly dating queries. In this podcast, they explore the challenges of online dating, particularly for those who have been single for a while. They delve into the issues of ghosting, mixed signals, and the importance of finding a mentor to help guide you through these issues. Key points: The experience of being single for an extended period of time and using online dating sites to meet potential partners. The frustration and confusion of being led on by someone who expresses interest and then doesn't follow through with plans to meet again. The difficulty of reading people and determining their true intentions, especially in the context of online dating. The importance of finding someone you trust to give you real dating advice. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Navigating the Pain of a Sudden Breakup
April 16, 2023 • 7 MIN
In this episode, Rabbi and Aleeza offer guidance to a listener who shares her painful experience of being blindsided by a breakup after a seemingly promising start to a relationship. Your dating experts then reflect on the importance of taking things slow and not being too emotionally vulnerable or physically intimate too soon in a relationship, especially in the early stages. They highlight the need to build a solid foundation of emotional connection before moving to a physical level. They also emphasize the importance of self-care, seeking support from friends, family, or professionals, and taking the time to process and heal after a sudden breakup. Aleeza also shares about their dating detox program, which helps individuals navigate the challenges of dating and breakups, providing practical steps and support for moving on and healing. You can find more information about this program on the Matchmaker website linked below. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Dating During Financial Hardship
April 9, 2023 • 9 MIN
In this Matchmaker Matchmaker podcast episode, Rabbi and Aleeza tackle a tough dating question: How should someone handle dating when suffering from financial issues due to job loss or other unforeseeable events? Is it a good time to date, since it could be a litmus test to see if your soulmate will stick around? Is it important to be happy, healthy, and confident before dating, regardless of financial circumstances? Aleeza believes that the best time to date is when you are in a good position, have self-confidence, and are employed, whether you like the job or not. However, if someone is burdened by financial loss, pain, and stress, dating may not be the best idea. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Are all singles conflict avoidant?
April 2, 2023 • 7 MIN
In this episode, Rabbi and Aleeza discuss the topic of conflict avoidance in the context of dating and matchmaking. They explore how conflict avoidance is a personality trait and can affect relationships, and suggest ways to navigate this issue in dating. The hosts discuss the Big Five personality traits and how conflict avoidance is a part of one's personality type. They also emphasize that personality is inherent and cannot be dramatically shifted, but can be gradually adjusted over time. They suggest that if conflict avoidance is a problem for someone, they should look for a partner who is less conflict avoidant and more comfortable with engaging in conflict resolution. The hosts also emphasize that there are plenty of people who are not conflict avoidant and that it is possible to find a compatible partner. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
The Dating Game: From Chasing to Choosing
March 26, 2023 • 8 MIN
This week's episode of Matchmaker Matchmaker covers the scenario of a partner losing interest whenever starting a relationship. Your dating experts, Rabbi and Aleeza suggest that the person might not be choosing quality humans and is just being receptive to whoever chases her. They advise the person to be more discerning about who she likes and not just be responsive to anyone who shows interest in her. Aleeza also suggests that women should use their own intuition to find a partner who matches their values and desires. Additionally, they acknowledge that dating can be a game with rules and strategies for success, but emphasize the importance of authenticity and honesty in finding a partner. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Should You Settle for Second Best in Marriage?
March 19, 2023 • 8 MIN
Your hosts, Aleeza and Rabbi disagree with the phrasing of the question, as they believe that once someone gets married, their partner becomes their soulmate. However, they acknowledge that some people may struggle with letting go of certain non-negotiables when searching for a partner. They suggest that at least 70% of the things a person wants in a partner should align with their values and fears, including how the person triggers them or irritates them. Have caution against settling for someone who is less than what a person wants, but acknowledge that people must learn to accept some irritating habits in their partners. The key to finding one's soulmate is to have clarity and choose a partner who aligns with one's values and who one can accept and tolerate over time. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Do singles really know what they're looking for?
March 12, 2023 • 9 MIN
Rabbi and Aleeza share their valuable insights on today's dating life. The world is big and now with so many opportunities to date, it can be overwhelming. They'll also discuss how to be approachable if you are in a happy relationship as well as how to seek for help if you are needing it. -How to be approachable -How to share your message -Not to give up -If you're having trouble with your relationship to seek out help -Analysis Paralysis -The world is big and there are many options -You should be a positive role model Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
How to react with being ‘led on’
March 5, 2023 • 9 MIN
This episode of Matchmaker Matchmaker is all about the importance of vulnerability in relationships. Aleeza and Rabbi discuss how being vulnerable can help you move on from negative experiences and be open to new experiences. They also offer advice on how to be vulnerable. This is a must-listen for anyone who wants to improve their relationship experiences! The importance of vulnerability in relationships How being vulnerable can help you move on from negative experiences Don't Generalize your experiences Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
When will you feel ready to get married?
February 26, 2023 • 8 MIN
If you're looking for advice on how to find a healthy relationship and get married, this is the podcast for you. In this episode, your favorite relationship coaches Rabbi and Aleza offer their advice on how to find a happy and healthy relationship.  -The importance of finding a happy and healthy couple to model your relationship after, especially if you come from a divorced home. -How we can learn from other couples, especially ones that have a happy and healthy relationship. -If we come from a divorced home, we need to make sure that we understand it's not our fault and that we can find a happy couple to model our own relationship after. Check out the video version of this show at To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Should You Be Truthful About Your Age When Dating?
February 19, 2023 • 8 MIN
This episode of Matchmaker Matchmaker offers listeners an important perspective on the importance of being truthful about your age. Too often, people lie about their age in an attempt to find someone who is a better match, but does this work in the long run? Aleeza and Rabbi Yisroel both have conflicting opinions on this topic. 1. The importance of being truthful about your age when looking for a soulmate 2. The debate of whether or not it is okay to date someone more than 10 years apart in age 3. The importance of having other qualities in common besides age in order to have a successful relationship To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Looking for Love? Let Go of Self-Consciousness and Be Your Best Self
February 12, 2023 • 9 MIN
Looking for love but feeling self-conscious? It's time for an intervention! On this latest episode of Matchmaker, Matchmaker, host Aleeza and Rabbi Yisroel offer advice on how to present yourself to other singles and matchmakers. She stresses the importance of being honest about who you are and what you're looking for, and offers tips on how to make the most of your dating profile. 1. How to focus on undefined 2. How to present yourself to others 3. How to be less self-conscious To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Choosing the Right Partner 'Second Time Around'
February 5, 2023 • 7 MIN
This episode of the Matchmaker, Matchmaker podcast provides excellent advice for those getting married for the second time. The podcast features experts who discuss the importance of choosing the right partner. Aleeza Ben Shalom explains that people often want one of two extremes: someone who is easy to get along with or someone who is exciting. However, neither of these options is ideal. Instead, she suggests choosing a partner who is similar to you in some ways but who also has some differences that create conflict How to give advice to someone getting married for the second time The importance of choosing the right partner How to find a balance between similarity and difference in a partner To submit your question for a future episode, go to
How to Fix a Relationship With a Matchmaker
January 29, 2023 • 8 MIN
Listen to this episode of Matchmaker, Matchmaker to learn what you can do to fix a relationship with a matchmaker. This episode will talk about your own emotions, working with a matchmaker, and finding the right matchmaker for you. What it means when a matchmaker says someone is difficult to work with Why the matchmaker is the easiest person to blame for a failed relationship How to be ambitious and hungry for your dating future To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Why You Need A Dating Vacation
January 22, 2023 • 13 MIN
If you're struggling looking for love, you need to listen to the latest episode of Matchmaker, Matchmaker. In it, Rabbi Yisroel and Aleeza discuss the importance of taking a dating vacation. They explain how the modern 'swiping' dating system is not designed for long term relationships and that you need to pace yourself to avoid burnout. 1) The importance of knowing yourself before you start dating 2) How to find out if someone is a good match for you 3) How to avoid burnout while dating To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Do I Really Need A Matchmaker?
January 15, 2023 • 6 MIN
Looking to find love? In this episode, your dating experts talk about what a matchmaker really is and the importance of one! Did you know a matchmaker doesn't necessarily have to be a professional? You can even be your own matchmaker. Rabbi Yisroel also breaks down the three key components of a successful matchmaker: an introducer, a mentor, and a fixer. 1) The definition of a matchmaker 2) The three parts of a matchmaker 3) Whether or not you need to hire a matchmaker To submit your question for a future episode, go to
When Someone Loves You But Doesn't Want to be With You
January 8, 2023 • 5 MIN
On this episode of the Matchmaker Matchmaker podcast, your dating experts tackle the tough question of what to do when someone who loves you, doesn't want to be with you. While it is difficult, sometimes it is necessary to walk away from a potential relationship that is not healthy for either party. -The importance of being 100% sure that the person you are with is the right person for you -How to explore your doubts about a relationship before making any decisions -How one side may be more invested than the other, and how this can lead to pain -The importance of finding a good matchmaker, therapist or life coach to deal with trauma and moving forward. To submit your question for a future episode, go to
How to Know If Someone Is Good Marriage Material
January 1, 2023 • 8 MIN
If you're looking for advice on how to know if someone is good marriage material, this episode of Matchmaker, Matchmaker is a must-listen. In it, the experts discuss the importance of taking the time to get to know someone before thinking of commitment. They also advise that it is important to be aware of your own values and personality traits to ensure that you are compatible with your partner. To submit your question for a future episode, go to
How important is Physical Attraction In Your Dating Life?
December 25, 2022 • 11 MIN
On this week's episode, your expert dating coaches, Aleeza and Rabbi Yisroel discuss if physical appearance should really be the determining factor in your dating life. Stop basing your expectations on movies and understand what real-life dating is all about. To submit your question for a future episode, go to
What Are The Risks Of Dating Someone Less Religious Than Me?
December 18, 2022 • 11 MIN
Aleeza and Rabbi Yisroel give some advice on dating someone who may be less or more religious than you. Giving real-life examples of when it has and hasn't worked, what you should be mindful of and some questions you should ask yourself before moving forward. To submit your question for a future episode, go to
Should Your Heart Go Boom When Meeting Someone For The First Time?
December 9, 2022 • 8 MIN
On this first episode of the Matchmakers Matchmakers podcast, your hosts Aleeza and Rabbi Yisroel share their thoughts on love at first sight. Is it true love or is it just desire? Should you know 'they're the one' from the first date? Join us on this episode to find out why we all should dig a little deeper. To submit your question for a future episode, go to