That's Teaching Life
You're doing what others won't do - they told me!
April 6, 2021
Here's what my colleagues said... oh the nerves.. but I promise to tell you the truth!
Welcome to the That's life podcast. You're listening to Richard Butler, where I show you how you can make your life better. Let's do this. Hey, how's going? It's Richard Butler here and again I apologize. 

I'm a little bit late on this podcast because usually I like to podcast on a Monday and release an episode every Monday. But, well, Easter weekend was here, and I was in a chocolate coma yesterday. Well, not really, but practically because we had so much Easter cake, which they call LaManna here in Catalonia, which is it can be anything but It's basically a cake. And then, of course, we had Easter eggs, which a friend of ours had sent us over and we did an Easter egg hunt. So there was chocolate upon chocolate upon chocolate upon chocolate. So that is the reason why you didn't hear from me yesterday. 

But I'm here today and well, today I sent out an email to my colleagues telling them that I was leaving and there were some shocked responses. 

There were some people, like, I can't believe it because, you know, I got to the point where I was part of the furniture as they say in the company. You know the way you're going to a company, and there's always people that have been there for years. And everybody knows that person because they say, Oh, that's Richard. He is in charge of this and he's been here forever and he's going to be here forever. And I talked to my colleagues, are email, my colleagues and I told them, and the responses were, well, best of luck. 

You're going to have a lot of success. And there was one message that I got from one colleague, which was, well, two colleagues actually sent more or less a similar message that they said Wow, like you are doing all what you are doing what we all dream of doing but basically don't have the balls to do. And when you see masters like that, it weighs heavy on me because it's like a huge responsibility that I'm like. I feel like I'm a Trailblazer, that I'm doing something that people dream about getting out of the rat race and taking control of your destiny, which is, um, a name that I'm going to be using a lot and you'll hear a lot about this over the next couple of months, and I feel you know it's responsible. And I had one person who said, which I thought wasn't particularly nice. But, um, they said, Well, I hope you know it doesn't happen to you What happened to our other colleague, who left, uh to set up his own business and then couldn't make ends meet and went back and got a job somewhere else? But I know that's not me, because I know that I can and I will succeed and I will succeed. You know more than I can imagine. But it does give me a feeling of huge responsibility because this time next week I will actually on my second day of being self employed. And you know, it's up to me to make the money because, as I said to somebody, I said, up to this point, the money always came in at the end of the month, whether I worked super hard or with our work normal, or whether I worked well, you know, a little bit easier, then was expected. But that salary check always came in, and now if I don't work, I don't get paid if I don't put the processes into place, I don't get paid. If I don't have the systems that I want running and automating many tasks, I don't get paid. So my idea is to start to use all of the knowledge that I have and to actually start to automate processes. 

So what are you going to be seeing from me? Well, you're going to be seeing review videos, more of those which I already do, and of a higher quality. You're going to see me doing tutorial videos. You're going to see me putting together courses for well, for a number of things for English language, for interviews, for human resources, um, courses, self development course. I'm going to focus again, back on my coaching and my self development, and I'm also going to make time to actually focus on writing as well. So I think half of my task I half of the battle that I'm going to have is time management because, you know, before when you're working for company, you know you have to manage your time. But if you don't get everything done, it doesn't matter. 

But you know, I have certain financial goals that I've set myself. I've also been trying to put out these courses that I wanted to do for some time, but I didn't have the time. And now I have all the time in the world to do everything that I want now. A couple of things that do worry me is, you know, holidays because I don't wanna be working all the time and I won't be working all the time. I know that maybe Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday I might be working till you know, eight or nine at night. So I could be working 12 hours, 12 hour days. But I do have some time, but it's gonna be exciting. And I think next Monday's podcast or Tuesday depending how it is do forgive me is going to be very interesting and interesting, because it will be my first day as self employed my first day, taking responsibility for all of my actions. And as I said, it's the time management that I really want to focus on to make sure that I have that down. I think that's gonna take a little bit of a while. I think it's probably gonna be a week before I actually have a system in place, but my idea is to have a system in place and to say, for example, Mondays. I'm going to do recordings Tuesday. 

I'm going to do this. I already have set out that on Wednesdays I'm going to do Mikey Chung, which is like relaxation kind of tai chi. And the great thing is, now that I can do that on a Wednesday at midday, I don't have to wait till seven o'clock, so that's going to help me a lot. The flexibility hours is really what's important. But, you know, I want you to follow me on my journey. So make sure that you are subscribed to the podcast, whether you're on Spotify iTunes or if you're listening to it on, be cast dot f m and you know, pop on over to Richard butler dot coach. That's my website, and I will be focusing more on that and doing it up a little bit because, you know, I want to chronicle my journey. I want to be offering self development courses there at reasonable prices, and I'm talking to, you know, under under 30 bucks for self development courses that are going to really help you. Um, do what I'm doing, if that's what you want, But reach out to me. Send me an email. Richard at Richard butler dot Coach and I will talk to you guys next week. Have a phenomenal week. My week is gonna be phenomenal. I know that. 

I hope you enjoy this week's podcast. Check out Richard butler dot coach and make sure that you subscribe.

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