EP34 Selling Products On Autopilot with Dr. Destini Copp
Talking With Experts with Chris Cownden
EP34 Selling Products On Autopilot with Dr. Destini Copp
December 28, 2021
In this episode Destini Copp talks about content creation and breaks down her sales funnel process. She talks about the benefits of having an email list, creating content for a nurtured audience as well as some of the principles she used to teach as a marketing professor. If you are a marketing student or student of continual learning and want to excel online, this is the episode you'll need to pay attention to listen to. Enjoy!
Dr Destini Copp is super passionate about helping business owners increase their revenue with digital products and evergreen sales funnels and is also a college marketing professor turned online entrepreneur and a wanna-be, Serena Williams-like, tennis player. She hosts "The Course Creator’s MBA Podcast" and is the best-selling author of "Launch Your Online Course Business in 90 Days or Less."

In this episode Destini talks about content creation and breaks down her sales funnel process. She talks about the benefits of having an email list, creating content for a nurtured audience as well as some of the principles she taught while being a marketing professor who most of her career. If you are a marketing student or student of continual learning and want to excel online, this is the episode you'll need to pay attention to.

Top 5 Takeaways from this episode: 
1. Build your audience before creating a digital product that you can do market research on, get feedback from.
2. Get direct interaction with customers and get to know them really well so you can tailor a digital product to their most common problem.
3. Get experience by starting a mini-course. It gives your customers a small win and you don't have to spend to long creating it. Use this as a special offer
4. Participate in industry bundles (collaborate with other professionals and share email lists)
5. Stay top-of-mind by keeping in touch via email, personal messages and just develop a relationship like you would with any friend. The more you put in the more you get back. 

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See you next week!!
Chris Cownden