Time to Talk with Jen Graziano
Get What You Want Book Launch By Jeanine Colavito on Time To Talk with Jen
November 17, 2023
Imagine having the tools to overcome obstacles and achieve the success you've been longing for. Jeanine, an expert coach, will guide you through the art of manifestation, sharing techniques that empower you to break free from limitations and transform your life.
Unlock Your Dreams and Transform Your Life with 'Get What You Want'"


Are you tired of waiting for your dreams to come true? It's time to take charge of your destiny and manifest the life you've always envisioned. In 'Get What You Want' by Jeanine Dolan Colavito, an Intuitive Life & Manifestation Coach, but not your typical one! Picture this: a lawyer turned Fortune 500 professional, ICF certified coach, Reiki practitioner, Christian, and to top it all off, a Claircognizant Intuitive! With her unique background and expertise, Jeanine will guide you on an empowering journey that reveals the secrets to turning your desires into reality.

Imagine having the tools to overcome obstacles and achieve the success you've been longing for. Jeanine, an expert coach, will guide you through the art of manifestation, sharing techniques that empower you to break free from limitations and transform your life.

Through these pages, you'll unravel the mysteries of the Laws of the Universe and learn how to work in harmony with them to shape your own destiny. Whether you're seeking personal growth, professional success, or a more fulfilling life, 'Get What You Want' provides you with the roadmap to unlock your potential and finally achieve your dreams.

Don't let life pass you by – take action now and harness the power of manifestation. Your dreams are within reach, and 'Get What You Want' will show you the way.

