Inspired to Thrive
Episode 11 - How to Go Back to Our Natural State and Find Our Purpose Through Quantum Flow with Margaret Elise Lee
November 26, 2021
In this episode, Margaret shares how she found her purpose and Ikigai despite experiencing a lot of hardships in life. She believes that there is no right or wrong way on how you can do life. Sometimes not knowing where you want to go in life means that you acknowledge that there are various opportunities you can take.
Margaret Elise Lee is a Quantum Flow practitioner and an Inner Child Mentor who allows clients to focus on redirecting to their natural self. This process has helped Margaret make peace with her troubled past and pick herself from the lowest points of her life. 

Margaret is originally a Cambodian, but she was born in a refugee camp in Thailand at the end of the Pol Pot era. She eventually moved to Italy and spent her life there until she was eight years old. With a very complex background from such an early age, she developed a lot of emotional trauma, insecurity, chaos and instability.

It was in 2017 when she hit the lowest point of her life but prior to this, she had what other people considered the markers of success. However, everything flipped overnight, and she didn’t know who she truly was. This was also the point where she realized that she has become too dependent on other people. Then she started doing things on her own, Margaret traveled to the Dead Sea and ironically this is where she felt her rebirth.

In this episode, Margaret shares how she found her purpose and Ikigai despite experiencing a lot of hardships in life. She believes that there is no right or wrong way on how you can do life. Sometimes not knowing where you want to go in life means that you acknowledge that there are various opportunities you can take. 

She shares about…

and SO MUCH more!

This meaningful episode tells us that we are capable of unlocking our purpose if we can only transition from thinking into feeling and really embody who we are in our hearts.

To follow Margaret and connect with her on social media check out the following links:

➡️Margaret’s website - 
➡️LinkedIn -
➡️Email address - 

To follow Phoebe and connect with her on social media check out the following links:

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