Adulthood: Revisited
Episode 37: The Power In Your Tongue
June 23, 2020
My A:R Familia, I hope that you're well! At the time of publishing this, summertime is here! When you look back on your life, do you have any memories where you experienced a seismic shift In your life as a result of what was, at the moment, a seemingly insignificant conversation? This came up for me with a few people this weekend, who shared their experiences with the understated power of our words. Seemingly small conversations and statements can have HUGE impacts on others, and that impact could be for either the positive or the negative. Those same impacts aren't just outward, but could be inward towards ourselves. Suffice it to say, it's really important for us to be aware of the power of our words. We can use our words to build others and ourselves up, and that takes awareness and effort. Or we can not pay attention, and let our words possibly do the opposite. Choose wisely. This is the Adulthood: Revisited Podcast.

My A:R Familia, I hope that you're well!

At the time of publishing this, summertime is here!

When you look back on your life, do you have any memories where you experienced a seismic shift In your life as a result of what was, at the moment, a seemingly insignificant conversation?

This came up for me with a few people this weekend, who shared their experiences with the understated power of our words.

Seemingly small conversations and statements can have HUGE impacts on others, and that impact could be for either the positive or the negative.

Those same impacts aren't just outward, but could be inward towards ourselves.

Suffice it to say, it's really important for us to be aware of the power of our words.

We can use our words to build others and ourselves up, and that takes awareness and effort.

Or we can not pay attention, and let our words possibly do the opposite.

Choose wisely. This is the Adulthood: Revisited Podcast.