7 things that I've learned from podcasting for 3 years.
Safety Consultant with Sheldon Primus
7 things that I've learned from podcasting for 3 years.
March 14, 2022
In this episode, Sheldon goes over the 7 things that he has learned from 3 years of podcasting. 1-People love resources 2-Podcasting is hard, but rewarding 3-Capturing someone's attention virtually is a skill set 4- Your audience will let you know what they want to hear 5- You don't need a sponsor to start a podcast 6-Safety is multi-faceted and changing constantly 7-I like doing interviews Please subscribe to this podcast and share it with a friend.
[00:00:06] spk_0: this episode is powered by safety FM

[00:00:16] spk_1: mm hmm. Welcome to the safety consultant podcast. I'm your house shoulder. Primus. This is the podcast where I teach you the business of being a safety consultant. Welcome. Well today I am officially noticing my beginning of my fourth year. So when you're going to see the podcast, you're going to see it in seasons. This podcast right now is going to be season number four. So that means I'm the beginning of my fourth year. It's just awesome. Even thinking that I've made it four years 170 something episodes. So I guess I should start thinking about my 2/100 episode this year. Well look at that. I didn't even think about that until just now. Well time does fly. So what we're gonna do this episode is we're actually going to be semi reflective. I'm just going over a few things that I've learned over the last three years. You can even call it the seven things I've learned over the last few years. I'm sure there'll be something else will pop up in my brain as I'm talking. But that's what we're gonna do today. We're going to go over that. And even, I guess reflecting on some of the changes right? There's been a lot of changes throughout my, my career as a podcaster. So I'm actually going to just focus in on the major change or I should say the major thing that I've learned and then we'll go down to some of the other stuff I got a list over here. So you might even here my, my paper going in the background so I'm going to start with my number one, seeing most people do it in like reverse order. I ain't got no time for that. Yeah, I just like starting with number one, that's maybe a flaw. Maybe I need to advance, what am I going to do with you guys? So you could get to to see that I am a professional broadcaster and I do things in the traditional broadcast way now. Honestly, I just like my numbers. So number one, the first thing that I've really learned about The last three years of podcasting, people love resources. I mean they just eat up resources whenever I could do anything resource wise, even on my social media, I get a lot of people that they want to get that or they downloaded or something similar. So like for instance if you want to listen to this podcast on the actual podcast page, you go to podcast, it's a P O d C A S T s dot be cast dot FM for its lads safety consultant. I'm working on that. I'm gonna get something really uh fancy like I had before. But right now that's it. So podcasts with an s dot be cast dot FM for slash safety consultant. And the resource in particular on that page is when you go to the page you can actually keep up with the show, you'll give me your name and email and in return you get the book, my book that I wrote a few years back seven steps or starting a profitable safety consultant business. I have been noticing a lot of people are into that resource. That's pretty cool. So that means to me that it's a topic that people in the safety field when you're ready to branch out and get away from being the primary safety officer at your facility and take your talents elsewhere, then you could learn how to do that. And I do see like people love resources in other ways, sometimes doing a post and in most of the places I post will be my linkedin page And I also have a linkedin group called OSHA compliance help and that's open to the public. So if you guys are in linkedin, go ahead and look up group Ocean compliance help. And I also have one for the water and wastewater field and that's for my resources for safety. Excuse me for wastewater supervisors and superintendents. That was my old job. So I did something there. But what this indicates to me is people are looking for the easy button as much as they can. If it's not the easy button then they're looking for some verification on things or they might just love to learn. So resources are always good. I'm trying to do my best to make sure that I give you guys the resources you need with the podcast and if anything I think about it, I'll throw that in. Um just just to make sure that you get you, get what you need. Alright, second thing that I learned is podcasting is hard. It honestly is. You're thinking about your time, you're thinking about the medium itself because you're only listening to my voice, you don't get to see me. So I've got to make sure that the voice sounds good and all the other stuff that goes into editing. I bought this really fancy board. So if I needed to, I could give you guys a nice big round of applause. Yeah, Yeah. Or if I just say something that's just really crazy. Get a whole bunch of other songs, voices in there too. If I'm funny, you know, all that kind of stuff. So that is the things that you need resource wise to hold people's attention when you only have their ears as being how they connect with you. So in doing that there's all kinds of stuff you've got to think about your voice inflection and you've got to think about what you are listening to as far as your devices. I've got to make sure my audio is good enough and you're not getting blasted with music and then real quiet with my voice and you have to keep cranking up your radio and up and down and up and down. So that's all stuff that I had to learn along the way. I'm still getting Still in there. Not, not, not 100%, but still working on that one to sell my point to podcasting. It was pretty hard, but it's fun. It's rewarding. Number three is capturing people's attention virtually is a skill. So I already talked about that a little bit when I said podcasting is hard and told you the things that I used. But quite honestly, I only have a few seconds with people and if they are not drawn in by even the introduction music, which is my Bruce lee that I wrote several several years ago. If you're not familiar with all the music on the episode is up one song, uh they're they're mine. So I've got to even grab people with just the music itself. And the only one song that's not mine is the one that I paid for it. So that one isn't actually mine. But other than that, everything else is. So in doing that and grabbing people's attention, they only got a short amount of time to do that. And even when I'm talking, I can't go monotone or I can't blow your heirs out with modulation. I gotta be on my game for however long I got you, I've been doing some shorter podcasts for that reason and when I interview, I got to make sure that I'm making the person that I'm interviewing as exciting as I can to and that's why I have to probe at some questions there too. Alright. We're on number four things that I've learned throughout my time is starting season four is that you guys will let me know when there's something good or not on there. And um you may not do it directly like sending me an email every now and then I do get those. But generally how I know is by my, my back end numbers. So for most of you, that's why you hear a lot with the Youtubers and podcasters to like and subscribe and if you listen to an episode all the way through all that helps us. So what we're looking at is there's in the back end for every podcast you do have matrix to let you know who's listening to. What, when are they listening? How long are they listening? And eventually those are the matrix that you use for sponsorship. So I get a lot of downloads but listens not as much and then subscribers. I really need to up my subscriber game. So if you're listening to me right now, it would be wonderful if you could subscribe to the podcast, share it with someone else who feel that you feel that would benefit from this. They don't have to be a satan safety consultant. They just have to be in safety and health probably or maybe they just like my voice. Okay. Oh no, but truly what I'm looking for is I go back and I check out my episodes and whichever one's kind of trend the most. Honestly, that's you talking to me. You're telling me, hey, we like this episode, keep this one up. We like what you're doing here. We like this interview. So I have them back and that's all by numbers by who you're listening to. So I definitely have learned that whenever you here is something that you like, I could tell by the listener ship and how that's going up. So generally speaking, that's you liking listening through telling a friend. Hey, did you hear this episode or on your social media? When you see that I've posted something regarding the episode you shared. So that's all you know, very, very important for me and I thank you all that have been doing that. Thank you so much. Number five, this one, it's one of those things I've always struggled with, so I'm in year four and I've only sponsored myself. So I actually say you don't need a sponsor to get a podcast going and if you want to get a podcast going, just reach out to me Sheldon at Sheldon Primaries dot com and I actually can host podcasts. So not a whole bunch, I can't get everyone that listens to me, but I've got a few good slots out there, but I would say if you're interested in that and just started, don't worry about the sponsorship. I'm here, going into year four without a primary sponsor outside of myself. That doesn't mean I don't want a primary sponsor. That doesn't mean that I don't think it's worth it. It's great to have someone who trusted you enough that they want you to be the spokesperson for their organization or they know you have an audience enough that if they want to reach out to a certain amount of or a certain group of people that they know they could come to you, it's flattering. So yes, I would want to sponsor. I'm putting it out there, but you don't need it, just get started and get your sponsor later. Number six out of my list is safety and health is so multifaceted and it's changing quite a bit and I'm recently, like now, getting into a book by uh, Dr Sidney Dekker, dr Todd Conklin together do safety differently. I've actually been kind of drawn to that myself, you know, safety has really been more recently and even more over and over has been the absence of anything going wrong, like someone having an injury or illness or your Osho logs or all the other lagging indicators and everyone will put the onus on how safe they are by the absence of these events. Whereas the book and some of the other things I've been seeing with safety is maybe we should be looking at more as a capacity for growth or capacity for the organization to value low risk activities versus how many days you didn't have an accident. So I'm really approaching that of philosophy more and more. I have been in the past, especially when I was a manager. But I'm just now really wanted to understand it more deeply and I picked that up from the podcast just from different interviews and talking to the different, different people, even my research as to who am I going to interview next or just anything like that. I honestly start feeling that the deeper I go into safety and understanding the complexities, it's almost just a bottomless pit of just information if you will and then you get your specialist and when they just like double down on something and you're like, hold on, that's just hearing protection. I don't know about that and or something similar. Gas detection, wow, my interview with Jason call, you know, talking about gas monitoring, which I've used my whole life. But he goes on there and just tells me stuff that I'm like, oh my goodness! From my professional career. Until now, I have never even thought of this and it's just been wonderful. That's one of the things I've learned, I learned a lot about safety and it's just knowing that I may know a little about a lot of things, but there's some people that know a lot about little things that I really want to interview and get them on. So that's, that's a challenge for myself. And that leads me to my point # seven. So This whole thing started with the things that I've learned going into my four years of podcasting mrs, season four. I've actually learned that like interviewing people, people are usually shy about talking to themselves, talking about themselves. Excuse me. So I have to like bring it out of it or they may be so gregarious and outgoing that you know, we've got to sometimes channel along to what we're going to talk about. Sometimes I can't, but overall, I really, really, I do enjoy that part, but I'd like to thank you everyone just for listening to me. Being part of the show helped me reach the four year mark. I'm just going to keep on going. If you need to contact me, go ahead and call me, email me the best way to do it. Everybody is emailing or texting, but mostly email. So Sheldon at Sheldon Primus dot com. If I'm teaching a class or I'm with a client, obviously I'm going to go ahead and get ahold of you after that. But that's the best way to reach out. That's it for this week. Thank you so much for helping me get completed with year three and we're going into year four. Mm

[00:16:05] spk_0: hmm. Go get them. This episode has been powered by safety FM. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast or broadcast are those of the host and his guest and do not necessarily the official policy or position of the company examples of analysis discussed within the past hour are only examples. They should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based on very limited and dated, open source information, assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this podcast or broadcast may be reproduced, stored within a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the creator of the podcast or broadcast. Sheldon brightness. Mm hmm. Mhm. Mhm mm hmm.

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