You Will Be Loved by Dane Maxwell
Accepting the Pain to Move On with Claudine Fle
March 13, 2024
Claudine blends tarot with the material world, helping people find the best version of themselves. She still struggles with reverting to the negative default and needs to find a way to avoid this to move forward.
Claudine blends tarot with the material world, helping people find the best version of themselves. She still struggles with reverting to the negative default and needs to find a way to avoid this to move forward.

Dane replies…

Well, I met a spiritual man one day,
I said, “Oh, I've tried everything to remove all my pain.”
He smiled and said, “Everything now?”
And I said “Yes, I've been to Bali,
And oh, I went to Egypt,
And oh, I read all the books and I went to Landmark Forum.”
And he said, “Well, did you just sit still and feel the very thing you're trying to fix?”
And I said, “Well, heck no, man, that's too much pain. I need to get rid of this.”
And he said, “Western society runs from feelings and they prescribe their meds,”
And he said, “Can you sit still and feel that discomfort?
Because if you can then you'll be able to rest in your bed.”

Claudine’s response:
“That was beautiful.”

Guest Response Quote:
“Sitting still to this day is still my difficult point to just not overdo, to not overrun, overachieve, try to be validated or recognised. And I think it's a thing that I see a lot nowadays with the people who come to tarot, with women in particular, are actually trying to.”

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