The Getting There Show by Exactimo
Fintech, Getting into McKinsey & Positive Psychology | Katharina Lueth from Raisin DS
November 12, 2021
Want to get into Fintech? Or understand how strategy consultancy provides a springboard for success? Today’s guest is a fantastic business leader called Katharina Lueth, who after several years at McKinsey and armed with an MBA from IESE, is now VP Europe, Managing Director for Raisin DS, a successful fintech company in Germany, who offer their marketplace of saving and investments products across Europe and in the United States.
This episode is full of insights for those interested in strategy consulting, breaking into tech and for those keen to understand more about fintech and the opportunities it offers for business school graduates. Katharina shows her clear passion for her work and also gives recommendations on the power of positive psychology for both happiness and productivity. As always, we make sure to include all of Katharina’s toolkit and influences in the show notes so as to maximise the chances that this show helps you get to where you want to get to.


00:00 - 2:54 - Intro
2:55 - 6:15 Katharina's journey so far 
6:16 - 07:58 What does Raisin DS do?
07:59 - 10:10 The Wedge Strategy
10:11 - 13:04 Using Strategy Consultancy as a foundation
13:05 - 17:04 Fintech as a career destination
17:05 - 19:09 How to get into Fintech
19:10- 20:22 Katharina's favourite book
21:28 - 23:45 Katharina's favourite quote
23:46 - 26:22 Favourite Interview Question
26:23 - 34:02 The Growth Community Questions


Raisin DS:

Authentic Happiness by Martin Seligman: