Insurance Business Babes
Adapting to CMS changes for 2025
June 3, 2024
In this episode of "Insurance Business Babes," hosts Kathe Kline and Joanna Wyckoff, alongside guest Angela Palo, delve into the multifaceted challenges faced by insurance agents amid evolving CMS regulations and Medicare policies. They discuss the skewed perceptions government employees have about agents due to primarily hearing complaints, emphasizing the need for CMS employees to better understand the agents' work. The conversation highlights concerns over potential changes to essential tools like Connecture and Sunfire, and the financial burden these might place on agents. They also address issues with client communication during plan changes, the affordability and necessity of CRM systems, and the impact of new rules on carriers, agents, and vulnerable populations. Angela elucidates on the importance of SOC 2 compliance and the risks of inadequate security, while the trio collectively expresses frustrations about the undervalued role of agents and uncertainties surrounding policy changes and their broader implications.
## Understanding the Challenges Faced by Insurance Agents
Hosts Kathe Kline and Joanna Wyckoff, along with guest Angela Palo, delve into the multifaceted challenges insurance agents face in today's evolving regulatory environment. Their candid discussion sheds light on the intricacies of the insurance industry, highlighting the disconnection between government employees and the daily grind of agents.

## Government Perception vs. Reality
Joanna and Angela voiced their concern about the skewed perception government employees have of insurance agents. Due to their limited interaction with success stories, these employees often only hear complaints. They stress the need for CMS employees to spend time with agents to gain a comprehensive understanding of their work, particularly in navigating Medicare's complex landscape.

## High Client Volume and Tool Affordability
Agents should be gearing up for the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), preparing to manage an influx of client interactions. The discussion underscores the significant role of tools like Connecture and Sunfire in facilitating these interactions. However, there's a looming uncertainty regarding the affordability and continued availability of these tools. If uplines cannot cover the costs, agents could face significant out-of-pocket expenses, potentially impacting their ability to serve clients effectively.

## Communication and Organizational Hurdles
Both Joanna and Kathe shared their struggles with communication lapses, particularly when carriers fail to notify agents about plan changes. This lack of communication can hinder agents during the critical AEP, where managing client outreach becomes a herculean task. The conversation reveals a pressing need for better communication and organizational strategies among agents to cope with sudden shifts in the insurance landscape.

## Regulatory Impact and Strategy
Angela Palo provides insights into recent CMS final rules and their potential ripple effects across the industry. The increasing IRMAA limits, changes in Part A and Med Supp plans, and lower MA reimbursements are notable concerns. The ambiguity surrounding these rules adds to the industry's apprehension, with carriers waiting for CMS guidance on agent payments.

## Conclusion: Staying Informed and Adaptive
As regulatory landscapes shift, the trio underscores the importance of agents staying informed and adaptive. The episode concludes with a call for more robust education on potential penalties and strategies for navigating these complex changes. Whether it's dealing with plan terminations or reaching out to clients, agents need to be proactive to continue providing the best possible service in an unpredictable environment.

Catch the full discussion on the latest episode of "Insurance Business Babes" for a deep dive into these pressing industry issues.

Joanna Wyckoff from and Kathe Kline from talk about building a Medicare Insurance Agent business. (Use the code Babes2024 to get a free Bronze membership in the directory).