Steel Stories by U. S. Steel
Baking a Greener Future for Steel with CarbonFree’s SkyCycle™ Technology
May 29, 2024
In this episode of Steel Stories, host David Kirkpatrick sits down with Martin Keighley, CEO of Carbon-Free, to discuss their groundbreaking collaboration happening at U. S. Steel’s Gary Works plant. CarbonFree’s SkyCycle™ technology will not only capture carbon emissions, but it will transform them into essential ingredients — baking soda and high-purity calcium carbonate — that can be used in food additives, paints, and plastics. Join us for an engaging discussion on the intersection of sustainability and innovation in the steel industry, and how U. S. Steel is ‘baking’ up a cleaner, greener future.
In this episode of Steel Stories, host David Kirkpatrick sits down with Martin Keighley, CEO of Carbon-Free, to discuss their groundbreaking collaboration happening at U. S. Steel’s Gary Works plant. CarbonFree’s SkyCycle™ technology will not only capture carbon emissions, but it will transform them into essential ingredients — baking soda and high-purity calcium carbonate — that can be used in food additives, paints, and plastics. Join us for an engaging discussion on the intersection of sustainability and innovation in the steel industry, and how U. S. Steel is ‘baking’ up a cleaner, greener future.

Disclaimer: This podcast may include forward-looking statements that are based on certain assumptions and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, as described in U. S. Steel’s SEC files. These are made as of the date of recording and we undertake no duty to update them as actual events unfold.

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