Conflict Skills
Cultural Differences & Conflict at Work: Tips and Strategies for Resolution
May 22, 2024
In this episode of the Conflict Skills Podcast, your host, Professional Mediator Simon Goode, dives into the intricate world of navigating cultural differences in the workplace. Drawing from his personal experiences working abroad in South Korea, Simon unpacks the challenges and strategies involved in bridging cultural gaps. From differing managerial styles to varying expectations around professional communication, Simon offers practical tools and real-life examples to help you understand and navigate these complex dynamics. Whether you're dealing with differences in leadership approaches or finding common ground in conflict resolution, this episode is packed with insights to enhance your cultural competence and conflict management skills. Tune in for an enlightening discussion that will equip you with the knowledge to handle workplace cultural differences with confidence and empathy. If you find this episode valuable, don't forget to subscribe and leave a positive review.
00:00 Understanding and adapting to cultural communication differences.

06:18 Julia's disrespectful behavior towards staff is concerning.

08:09 Teacher aware of issues, feedback crucial. Adversarial approach ineffective.

12:23 Cultural differences affect workplace behavior and expectations.

14:39 Author advocates adult-to-adult communication over parental.

19:00 Open, collaborative approach to continuous improvement process.

22:58 Adapt, experiment, and grow to improve relationships.

24:27 Tips for handling cultural differences in conflict.