Video Marketing Secrets | Simple Strategies for Outrageous ROI
Inbound Marketing - with Jessica Webb
May 24, 2016
Jessica writes and sends emails to over 1 million HubSpot leads & prospects per month. In addition to that she promotes HubSpot content across social paid social media platforms to drive lead generation for the HubSpot campaigns team. As a side...

Jessica writes and sends emails to over 1 million HubSpot leads & prospects per month. In addition to that she promotes HubSpot content across social paid social media platforms to drive lead generation for the HubSpot campaigns team. As a side project, Jessica grew and optimized HubSpot's Instagram account growing it from 4,500 followers to 30,000 followers in one year. Jessica graduated from Boston University's School of Management in 2011, then spent a year teaching workshops at the Apple Store. After that she spent a year in São Paulo, Brazil teaching English before she joined HubSpot, starting in customer support. 

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