The Health Coaches Podcast
28: The Role of Measurement and Proof in Coaching with Robby Barbaro
July 30, 2020
Robby Barbaro co-runs Mastering Diabetes, a group program that guides type 1 and type 2 diabetes to overhaul their diets, get fit, and either reverse or halt disease progression. We spoke about the double-edged sword of frequent measurement of blood...

Robby Barbaro co-runs Mastering Diabetes, a group program that guides type 1 and type 2 diabetes to overhaul their diets, get fit, and either reverse or halt disease progression.

We spoke about the double-edged sword of frequent measurement of blood glucose, and how coaching can benefit from the clarity and motivation that comes from seeing objective numbers change as a result of immediate actions.

We talked about the secret sauce of the Mastering Diabetes coaching approach - relentless and unconditional empathy and support - and how this feature of group and 1-on-1 interactions increases the odds that clients will stay engaged when they struggle.

We also discussed Robby's conviction that clients need, not just thinking partners, but leaders, and enjoy and benefit from being told what to do and how to do it - in some domains. If your coaching practice involves teaching in addition to straight-up "help the client achieve their agenda," this will be a useful and challenging episode.