EP97.S3 Naming a Company | Daniel Patterson
gguttalks | design | creativity | entrepreneurship | leadership
EP97.S3 Naming a Company | Daniel Patterson
June 15, 2023
This is the 7th conversation [EP91 to 97 S3] with Daniel Patterson the founder & Creative Director at Highly, a brand strategy & creative design consultancy. In this segment he talks about his journey on how he got into the world of branding, how to create a branding masterplan, brand strategy, and how to provide value to other companies. Disclaimer: Views and opinions are his own in the entire segment.
This is the 7th conversation [EP91 to 97 S3] with Daniel Patterson the founder & Creative Director at Highly, a brand strategy & creative design consultancy. In this segment he talks about his journey on how he got into the world of branding, how to create a branding master plan, brand strategy, and how to provide value to other startup companies. 

Disclaimer: Views and opinions are his own in the entire segment.


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GGUTTALKS is a podcast focusing on business, design and ggutt feelings, conversing with entrepreneurs, industry leaders and investors.