Profit First For Tradies
007: How Profit First For Tradies Is Empowering Business Owners To Make A Difference In Their Business And In Their Community And Beyond
February 20, 2023
Are you a tradie or small business owner who feels like they’re always pinching pennies, with little room to grow your business? Do you know success is within reach, but don’t know how to get there and keep your finances in check at the same time? For many tradies, the path to financial freedom can seem like trying to climb Mt. Everest with no shoes! With a lack of sound strategies and guidance that understand the unique circumstances of business owners in this sector, it can be incredibly challenging to manage your cash flow and maximise your profits. In this episode of Profit First for Tradies, we talk about how Profit First For Tradies is empowering business owners to make a difference in their business and in their community and beyond. We'll explore the key strategies and ideas that have helped tradies to generate more revenue while keeping their cash flow in a healthy state. As a business owner, making a difference in your business and in the community is a huge responsibility. You have to make sure you’re not only serving your customers but also helping your employees and the environment. Profit First For Tradies helps you do just that by providing sound advice on how to manage financials, increase revenue and be more competitive in the market.
Are you a tradie or small business owner who feels like they’re always pinching pennies, with little room to grow your business? Do you know success is within reach, but don’t know how to get there and keep your finances in check at the same time? 

For many tradies, the path to financial freedom can seem like trying to climb Mt. Everest with no shoes! With a lack of sound strategies and guidance that understand the unique circumstances of business owners in this sector, it can be incredibly challenging to manage your cash flow and maximise your profits. 

In this episode of Profit First for Tradies, we talk about how Profit First For Tradies is empowering business owners to make a difference in their business and in their community and beyond. We'll explore the key strategies and ideas that have helped tradies to generate more revenue while keeping their cash flow in a healthy state.

As a business owner, making a difference in your business and in the community is a  huge responsibility. You have to make sure you’re not only serving your customers but also helping your employees and the environment. Profit First For Tradies helps you do just that by providing sound advice on how to manage financials, increase revenue and be more competitive in the market.

In this episode of the Profit First for Tradies, you’ll learn the following:

Profit First For Tradies provides tradies with the tools necessary to not only secure greater success now but lay the foundation of a sustainable long-term future too. Learn more about it in this episode!

If you haven’t listened to our previous episode about the Behind the Scenes of Profit First with Mike Michalowicz, go back and check out Episode 006. 


“If your business is much more financial, and you're much less stressed, then you're going to have that flow-on effect with others as well.” -Katie Crismale-Marshall

“The key is understanding what that structure is of Profit First and being able to adapt, and adjust. and customize it for your business.” -Katie Crismale-Marshall
