DNForum Domain Fireside Chats
All you need to know about running your own Web3 domain TLD | Federico Costa, CTO & Co-Founder of Freename
October 18, 2023
Freename.io has created a web3 top-level domain (TLD) .maria for No Stress Ltd, the operator of HostMaria.com. And in 2022 we created and launched a layer 1 cryptocurrency $Maria (PIVX fork). As the business owner, I intentionally refrained from researching this topic to maintain this interview even more curious, spontaneous and interesting. The planned questions are: how a web3 TLD is run, what are the technical requirements, what are the various fees when a web3 domain name is bought or transferred, who maintains the backend, what are the guarantees that another party doesn't release the same TLD, what is the involvement of blockchain, where the data is stored + your live questions. Freename.io is represented by the best possible man for this task: Federico Costa, who is the CTO & Co-Founder of Freename Starting next week, I plan to exclusively conduct domain name-related streams on DNForum's YouTube and Twitter accounts.