Fight Flight or Freeze- Power of Gods Word in Times of Distress- Fight Flight or Freeze
Faith Filled Wealth Builders
Fight Flight or Freeze- Power of Gods Word in Times of Distress- Fight Flight or Freeze
May 17, 2021
A podcast focussing on not giving away your power in times of distress but using this time to fight for your future, trusting God's word, and using faith and practical wisdom as tools for full proofing your future.
[00:00:00]: Today's podcast is going to be focused on three particular scriptures and it's entitled The Power God's Word in times of distress.

Now, I love this scripture in Romans 8 and it says that what shall we then say to these things if God before us, who can be against us?
Now, that is a really, really powerful scripture that whatever things are going on for us in our lives in times of distress when everything seems to be against us, you know? At the moment we're dealing with the coronavirus, COVID-19 and we're hearing stories every day of distressing situations where people are losing loved ones, we're losing loved ones close by us, you know, and it's not that far away thing that you hear about in a country somewhere else across the globe, it is affecting us on our doorsteps.  But what can we do when we are in times of distress? And dealing with such traumatic situations that are literally affecting our daily lives and everybody around us? Well, we've got to know that there is an outside force that is greater, that is more powerful than anything that is created and made on this earth.

The second thing that I take comfort in with the scriptures is that the verse that says, who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword. And you might be thinking, why do I take comfort in this particular scripture? Because it tells us that we can find homage in God in his son Christ Jesus. Even when the highest of tribulations come upon us personally, socially, economically, environmentally, and health-wise as well.
So persecution, famine, nakedness or peril or sword, who shall separate us from the love of God. None of these things can take us away from that God-centered love that can be around us and give us the piece that we need even in the most distressing times. And I believe that it's so key that in times like this now that we focus on things that are going to lift us up and build us up rather than focusing on the news that the media present to us on a daily basis, shared in a post or a podcast previously where all I'm hearing every day is the word Covid, 19, Covid, 19, Covid, 19.
And to be quite honest, I am sick of it because what I want to be hearing is actually, we are stronger than any man-made things.

When you set your mind on positivity, when you set your mind on higher thinking and higher consciousness and have faith that surpasses all natural understanding, believe me, anything that seemed to be insurmountable to us, we can now put that into perspective and there are some key things that we need to do in order to be able to Take control of the things that seem impossible.

Number one is used divine wisdom now, we can't take things for granted because we live in an earthly body okay? And therefore there are rules and there are laws for us operating in this realm. So we know that if we take a knife to our hand and we slice it, we are going to bleed. So we can't be so supernatural and so out of this world that we become unwise. So there are laws around protecting ourselves, laws that govern this land. And it's really important that we uphold those laws. Because I know for a fact that if I mix my faith with practical knowledge and wisdom, then I've got a winning double combination there. But if I just focus solely on my faith and my trust only then I'm being completely unwise. So we need to join the two things together. Those of you that are believers in the bible and know your word. You'll understand the scripture that saves faith without works is dead. So in other words, it's futile. Okay, but the last most empowering thing that want to leave with you is that in the same scripture Romans 8? It says verse 37, that we inane all of these things that we are more than conquerors through him that loves us. All right, I'm going to just repeat that We are more than conquerors through him that loves us. Now. That word conqueror means that you have had to go through a battle. It means that you have had to overcome. It means that you have had to withstand. It means that you have had to weather storms All right. And I want to refer to storms as anything that is traumatic in your life right now. Okay, So we might be weathering the storm of coronavirus. Okay. It is no different from the plagues that we're here in the early years. influenza flu polio. All of those things that came to our forefathers in their time, yes, lives sadly, we're lost. But ultimately out of that comes new birth. So, I believe we are going through a transition period right now where we're shedding old skin a bit like a caterpillar that needs to transition into a beautiful butterfly. It depends on your perspective. It really does depend on how you look at this. So, there are three things that you can ultimately do. Okay. One of them is that you can freeze. That means you can stay frozen to the current situation because you are scared to move either way. All right, So, that is not healthy for you. Alright, freezing. Okay. Is a flight or flight on hold? That's all it is. It's like being stuck in an ice block. You put yourself in that freezer and you're refusing to move either way. All right. Because you feel that it's a form of protection. Really what it is. It's reactive immobility or attentive immobility. Alright? So, it involves similar psychological changes, but instead, you stay completely still and get ready for the next move. 

And most people, some people are in freeze mode waiting for something to happen. All right. So other people are in flight mode. Now, that's something that I'm stuck in completely. I am not the type of person to sit still and to let things happen to me. All right. We have these things called social control. Okay, so social control window there are four elements in the social control window. The first one is when you're sitting and you're doing nothing, right? So that means you are in the not mode of the window. So a bit like the freezing mode when you're not doing anything at all. The second one is to when you are allowing things to be done to you at the moment, they're changing laws, they're changing statute to say that if you don't take virus, uh to take anti-virus protection, then X. Y. Zed will happen. You won't be able to fly, you won't be able to do certain things and that is things being done to us. Now. Are we going to stay in a passive state of mind and just allow this? Or are we going to stand for? What we believe in, stand for? What we fought for all these years, like our human rights, um freedom of mind, freedom of speech, and all those things that we know as especially living in the United Kingdom that we have parties are open to. Are we going to stand and just allow things to be done to us and go with the tide? Okay? Or are we going to stay in the position of four? And when we say staying in the position of four, it's where things are being done for you because you're just not moving to the left or to the right and you don't quite know what to do. So you become that submissive individual and just allow the powers that be your people around you to do things for you again, you are giving away your power, you are giving away your control. And it is not the best place to be. The best place to be in the social control window is you when you're working with someone or with forces or with you know, government or with people that make decisions because being in a collaborative state of mind is the best place to be. So again, when it comes to fighting flight or freeze, I believe that we need to stay in that element of being in the fight mode and we also need to be in the element of being in the flight mode. So that is the combination of working with Okay, working with. That's the place that we need to be. So you need to be in control of your future. But also recognize that we were governed by the laws that are around us. But at the same time, if we work with them, we are in the best place to be all right. So in all of these things, remember that you are more than conquerors and that you are loved by God and you're not here to have things done to you. You're not here to really have things done for you and you're not here to just be neglectful and not do anything at all. But we're here to make a difference. Working with being collaborative and focusing on the future that is clearly ahead of us. So get rid of that caterpillar skin and truly get yourself ready to embrace the beautiful butterfly that has come, going to transition us to come through to the next round in our life, Yeah. In our money and in our business. So again, I hope you found this a small insight into the way that I'm thinking around the current climate and this current status quo to help you to progress yourself, to stay healthy, to stay emotionally strong, to stay spiritually strong, but equally to stay strong in your business as well. Take care. God bless. Thank you for listening. 

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