Mind Witchery
Another Spell for Trusting the Process
February 23, 2023
It can be so difficult not to treat our work and our practices like just another on-demand service. Let’s try to open ourselves to the magic all around us, and cultivate the patience to partner with it.
We live in an impatient world.

It can be so difficult not to treat our work and our practices

like just another on-demand service.

Let’s try to open ourselves to the magic all around us,

and cultivate the patience to partner with it.


A super-yummy gluten-free tiramisu recipe: https://bojongourmet.com/gluten-free-tiramisu-grain-free/ 

timewitchery.com/planner, where you can get support for trusting the process with a Time Witchery planner of your own.

Make Magic:

Trust the process by embracing it.

Stay in the present moment as fully as you can,

and remember that you are always co-creating

with other people, other forces, other magic.

Transcript: Another Spell for Trusting the Process