I.T. Overdrive
Tackling I.T. Issues On Your Own Can Cost You More Than You Save
June 17, 2021
We have a few clients that like to think of themselves as technically inclined, they like to tinker. They sometimes think they know that they know how to tackle their technology because they set their kids X-Box up on their wifi network at their house over Christmas. Then they try to take that and apply that to their business. They get into it and find out, oh, this is not my home router and this is not the X-Box with the nice big screen and the controller. I can just pick my preferences out right there. That's one of the pitfalls we see, especially with, you some of our smaller clients who are looking to save money. They want to do as much of this as they can themselves. They may have a guy on staff. It's typically the young guy that they'll go to, to try to troubleshoot things before they give us a call. And it always comes back to us worse than what we left it. So it takes a little longer to fix. It costs a little more. And the guy that tried to do it, his production went down for the month because he was playing computer guy. It initially happens when someone has a new businesses or smaller businesses and they're, and they're really trying to cut costs, which means they're trying to cut corners. And that usually means they're paying more in the end. So we see that quite a bit. Again, smaller clients, as they grow, they tend to kind of grow out of that. They tend to know, okay, well, I've got to focus on my business and my guys need to focus on their business. And, you know, I can't have my employees spending their days trying to troubleshoot things when I've got this other company here that can do it efficiently, have it done, and get us back on track. Get all links, resources and show notes at https://itoverdrivepodcast.com/3
We have a few clients that like to think of themselves as technically inclined, they like to tinker. They sometimes think they know that they know how to tackle their technology because they set their kids X-Box up on their Wi-Fi network at their house over Christmas.

Then they try to take that and apply that to their business. They get into it and find out, oh, this is not my home router and this is not the X-Box with the nice big screen and the controller. I can just pick my preferences out right there. That's one of the pitfalls we see, especially with, you some of our smaller clients who are looking to save money.

They want to do as much of this as they can themselves. They may have a guy on staff. It's typically the young guy that they'll go to, to try to troubleshoot things before they give us a call. And it always comes back to us worse than what we left it. So it takes a little longer to fix.

It costs a little more. And the guy that tried to do it, his production went down for the month because he was playing computer guy. It initially happens when someone has a new business, and they're, and they're really trying to cut costs, which means they're trying to cut corners.

And that usually means they're paying more in the end. So we see that quite a bit. Again, smaller clients, as they grow, they tend to kind of grow out of that. They tend to know, okay, well, I've got to focus on my business and my guys need to focus on their business. And, you know, I can't have my employees spending their days trying to troubleshoot things when I've got this other company here that can do it efficiently, have it done, and get us back on track.

Get all links, resources and show notes at https://itoverdrivepodcast.com/3

Host info

Kelly Herrod, the founder and CEO of Herrod Technology, started the company in 2000 to provide simple IT solutions for small and mid-sized businesses. His personal approach, over 30 years experience and his ability to simplify IT sets him apart in the IT industry.

Website - https://herrodtech.com/
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Email - kelly@herrodtech.com