That's Teaching Life
Fear the change? Don't and I tell you why!
March 22, 2021
We all fear change right? But maybe we do need to feel the fear and do it anyways. That's what I talk about this week!
Transcript of Podcast

Welcome to the That's life podcast. You're listening to Richard Butler where I show you how you can make your life better. Let's do this. Hey, guys, can you believe it? 

Another week comes by and another podcast and those of you who are following intently will realize that last week I didn't actually podcast. I don't know what happened. I think the ST Patrick's Day coming up. I think I got super excited and I forgot. But, hey, that happens. Hope you didn't miss me too much. 

Well, in this week's podcast, I want to talk about facing the fear and doing it anyway, because, you see, when we go through a period of change, we are fearful. Uh, this time last year in March, when everything was locked down, we were going through a period of change and people were fearful because we didn't know what this virus was all about. We didn't know what we could do. I remember, as I said, coming back from the supermarket on washing everything before actually bring it into the house, and now we know that that may not be necessary to do anymore, so change is always going to happen whether you want to or not. 

And if you decide that you don't want to change something, well, life is going to change all around you anyway. So we have to get over this idea of being fearful of change because, you know, even if you were to lock yourself away in a mountain cabin when you come back out into the world five years later, changes happened even if you didn't want it. So realize change will happen no matter what. So rather than fear, it start to embrace it. Now, I understand that when you want to make a change like you want to change jobs or you want to change partner or you want to change country even, um, you're gonna have a lot of fears. 

Why? Because you're going to wonder. Well, what's going to happen next? What? Can I let you in on a little secret here? We don't know what's going to happen next. We cannot predict the future. So all we can do is try and mitigate as much as possible, meaning that we can try and make sure that, you know, we do everything, um, as much as we can. That's in our control to ensure that the change that is coming up for the change that we're going to do is as least risky as possible or as less risky as possible. So, for example, you want to change job. Well, you don't leave your current job until you have something else until you have some sort of income coming in. Because, you know, I remember reading in some self help books. 

I don't know if it was Tony Robbins that said, You have to burn your bridges if you want to succeed. So you've got to leave your job and you've got to burn your bridges and not have that comfort zone to fall back on. And while that can Well, yeah, it can make a grain a sense, because when you have that comfort zone to fall back on, you don't take the risk. But the problem is that let's be realistic. If you were to leave your job right now, how long can you survive without generating income? Now, maybe if you have $20,000 or €20,000 saved, you can say, Well, I'm going to leave my job today because I have this savings that is my cushion, but there is some sort of cushion there. So I wouldn't recommend making a crazy change and saying, That's it, boss, I'm out of here and then not having anything to do so Build up a side hustle, build up some sort of side gig that you have that will generate income to at least cover your expenses. Because if you do leave a job and let's say you want to set up by yourself and your own company or as a sole trader, you need to have some sort of income coming in. You need to have some sort of plan, so maybe you can build that plan as you are working. 

Um, and what I mean is in the evenings, instead of watching four hours on Netflix, watch two hours of Netflix and plan your business or plan your strategy. If, for example, you want to move country because whatever reason, well, plan out. What am I going to do first? Well, I'm gonna make sure that I have accommodation when I arrive in the other country. I'm not just gonna leave get on a jet plane as the song goes, and, um, hope that accommodation will appear. No, you need to have accommodation ready at that point. So think about things like that that you want to make sure that you have some sort of plan in place. And no matter how much planning you do, you're still going to feel fearful. But rather than letting that fear be a negative emotion, why not try and use that emotion, that adrenaline that you're feeling to be positive? 

Because a lot of the times we when we need to make a change, we say, Well, what if it doesn't work? But what if we were to reframe that and said, What if this does work? This could be amazing. Because remember, the more we focus on, the more we get. So if you focus on what if this is not going to work, your subconscious is Hey, you wanna evidence that this is not going to work? I'll show you evidence. But if you start saying, what if this does work, this is going to be amazing. Your subconscious wants to please you. So it is actually going to find ways of actually um saying that this is going to work and find ways of it actually working. So, what you focus on you get more of a focus on the negative. 

Your subconscious will give you more than negative. I can't possibly do this. Oh, well, let me just find deep down in my, uh, subconscious volts, um, evidence to show that you can't do it. Yes, I can do this. Well, let me show you that you can do it. And then you start to remember things that you succeeded in. So be careful of your thoughts. So as the book title says, feel the fear and do it anyway. 

So this week, what I want you to do is I want you to think about something that has been on your mind for quite some time. And rather than sort of keep putting it off, Say, Okay, this is my plan to make this change. This is my plan to overcome this fear and go and take action. All right, guys, I'm over and out for this week, so I'll talk to you again next week. Have an awesome day. I hope you enjoy this week's podcast. Check out Richard butler dot coach and make sure that you subscribe

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