Relationships First
Is Your Relationship Built on a House of Cards
September 20, 2022
How do you know your relationship is built on a house of cards or a solid foundation? In this episode, David dives into the statistics and shares one of the major contributing factors to why modern relationships are built on a house of cards.
How do you know if your relationship is built on a house of cards or has a solid foundation?

Looking at the statistics
Another way of viewing these statistics is:

The age breakdown of those obtaining a divorce looks thus:

*Statistics from Canterbury Law Group for 2020

One of the reasons for such a high divorce rate has to do with choosing a partner by starting with our wants and desires vs looking at long-term needs (with the addition of wants & desires - which is not mentioned in the podcast)

Our society over the last 30+ years had propagated the physical wants and desires over the reality of our long-term needs within relationships causing a vast majority of couples to be together based on wants and desires without the thought of long-term needs.