Stacker Chats
Stacker Chat with BlockSurvey's Wilson Bright
October 7, 2021
Gina Abrams (Special Projects, Hiro) and Wilson Bright (BlockSurvey Co-Founder) chat about building a privacy first forms company, early traction for the project, and potential market opportunity for BlockSurvey's identity and data sharing tools.
Gina Abrams (Special Projects, Hiro) and Wilson Bright (BlockSurvey Co-Founder) chat about building a privacy first forms company, early traction for the project, and potential market opportunity for BlockSurvey's identity and data sharing tools. 

0:00 Intro and Wilson’s background, intro to BlockSurvey
2:36 What kinds of features are available for BlockSurvey users today and do you anticipate in the near future? 
4:55 Can you speak more to the privacy concerns driving your users to BlockSurvey?
6:30 What tools are you utilizing within the Stacks ecosystem, can you walk us through the architecture of BlockSurvey and the key components required to build a decentralized app where users own their information? 
8:37 What are some of your takeaways from building in the Stacks ecosystem? 
10:09 Can you speak to some of your early traction and key customers? 
11:37 How has your experience been in the Stacks Accelerator? 
13:52 What is the larger market opportunity for BlockSurvey? 
16:10 Can you share more on the idea for a BlockSurvey token? 
17:50 How did the team come to be for BlockSurvey, and what is ahead for the team? 
19:53 How is BlockSurvey approaching building a business for Bitcoiners? 
21:08 How can folks stay up to date on BlockSurvey? 
22:10 Closing thoughts and advice for those interested in using Stacks? 
