The Orbital Perspective
The Orbital Perspective - Floating In Darkness Live Event Series: Episode 4
April 30, 2021
Starting Conditions - How Transcending the "Matrix" is the Key to Overcoming Challenges & Conflicts “We cannot succeed by denying what exists. The acceptance of reality is the only place from which change can begin.” - Archbishop Desmond Tutu Every day, people have heated, emotional arguments simply because each has a different perspective. It has become so severe that when facts don’t agree with our perceived reality, we change the facts rather than change our opinion. “Alternative facts” are simply tools used to keep an inaccurate perceived reality intact. Sometimes the common ground that is missing is a common starting condition. When we dolly zoom to the starting condition that the orbital perspective provides, people naturally are drawn together into a more aligned vantage point. In this episode Ron discusses how zooming out to the point where we consider the implications of our decisions and opinions over the widest feasible geographic area and over the longest feasible time frame, things become clearer and we can make better decisions.