The Ascended Sisters
Episode 002: Why The Veil To The Other Realms is Thinning- The Ascended Sisters
July 15, 2021
In this Episode, Athena speaks to what some call the 'thinning of the veil' this barrier that we perceive to be between ourselves and other realms, dimensions, time, and space. Realizing that the collective perception of this occurrence is divinely timed and here for each one of us to experience if we so choose to. We are The Ascended Sisters. Madison Currah a professional photographer, and Danielle Turano, a professional musician met in a Channeling class in early 2021. From the first moment we met in class there was an undeniable energy that neither of us could explain. Through a series of meditations and channelings, we have discovered our deep connection that has spanned lifetimes and beyond. We are coming together with our Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, Higher Self, Angels, and many others to answer your questions, talk about the metaphysical, share stories of magic, and speak of the life behind the veil. We sincerely hope you delight in the experiences we are sharing here. -Danielle + Madison