Journaling For Wellness
How Journaling Helps Reduce and Manage Stress
May 31, 2021
Do you know that journaling can reduce and manage your stress? It is not just a way to document what happened in the past, but also a way for you to get insights on how to deal with future events. Journaling gives people an outlet where they can express their thoughts and feelings which are usually bottled up inside. They no longer have to hold these feelings inside because now they are able to let it out through writing in their journals. This helps make them feel better about themselves as well as less stressed throughout the day.
Modern life and stress go together, right? Constant stress from juggling demands and obligations has become a regular part of our lives. Some level of stress is okay; it keeps you motivated and growing as a person. But sometimes pressure can tip over into anxiety and lead to all sorts of problems, and you need to work out how best to deal with it. Journaling is an increasingly popular and effective way of managing your day-to-day stress levels.

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Here’s how journaling for stress relief works:

    1. Journaling takes you away from the digital world
Journaling with pen and paper is soothing and grounding in a way a screen and keyboard can’t compete with. You can’t rush writing with a pen or pencil. 

Journaling in a real notebook helps you to step aside from scrolling or jumping from one thing to another. You can only have one tab open in a notebook! The physical act of writing or sketching uses your whole body to make marks; it’s grounding.

    2. Journaling helps you change your mindset
Journaling is a naturally reflective process. Keeping note of all the good things in your life helps to keep negativity at bay and to rest your attitude to positive. When you’re feeling down, you can leaf back through your journal and remember the good things in your life. 

    3. Journaling is instant stress relief
Writing down your frustrations, hopes, and fears can give you immediate emotional release. Instead of stewing about how other people have treated you, your journal gives you a safe space to download all your anger, hurt and frustration. And having poured your feelings onto the page, you feel better. You might even get a different perspective on the situation. At the very least, the problems will not be swirling around in your head anymore. Journaling can be a great antidote to brooding!

    4. Journaling can help you find the source of your stress
The act of writing in your journal can unleash a flood of unacknowledged feelings. Maybe the thing that’s stressing you out today is your unreasonable boss or nagging co-worker. But perhaps you’re reacting this way because they are triggering memories of people who have mistreated you in the past? 

Does your partner do something that reminds you of a past relationship? Are you behaving in a self-destructive way because of a past failure that you fear repeating?

Journaling can help you find the real source for your bad feelings and provide a way forward.