Life Back On Track
Where do your values come from?
September 27, 2021
Our values are one of the main things that determine what we do and why. These things can be deeply wired into our psyche and we may not even be aware of their impact on us. In this episode I look at these things called values If you have any questions or feedback, you can send an email to I also have a weekly online radio show called “All About Relationships” that is broadcast live on Thursdays at 6:00pm (AWST) +8hrs GMT and replayed on Sundays at 2:00pm (AWST) +8hrs GMT. You can also listen to all of the episodes through my podcast. Just search “Wayne Brown All About Relationships”
Hi, This is Wayne Brown from Life Back On Track. Welcome to the latest episode.

In this episode I want to give you something to ponder, to think about, because it's something that can impact your life in a big way. When we are trying to become the best version of ourselves, when we are trying to get our life on track and get things under control and get it where we'd like it to be, so that we can truly enjoy our life.

We always have something we're striving for. We have an end result. We have a goal that we're aiming for, and where that can create a problem is when we have a standard, that is something that may not be attainable. So we have some level of perfection, some level of standard that has been set that we are striving for.

Now. The reason this can become a problem is if that standard, that level of attainment is not something that you've set, but your're taking on a value from someone else and using that as your standard, and that may fit them, but it doesn't fit you, but you're striving to attain it, so that you can get approval or, acceptance or something from this other person.

So the question I'd like you to ponder and to think about, is with your life and all the various aspects, where is the standard coming from for you to achieve what you're achieving? Where does it originate? Is it something from your parents where you're trying to get them to be proud of you or to accept you or to be able to encourage you? What is it?

What's the standard and where is it coming from, because, and I don't say this to try and trigger off something in you to cause you pain. I'm trying to save you some time because a lot of the times we may not have received that growing up, that acknowledgement or that acceptance, that sense of pride and as an adult who can cause you to strive for something which ultimately you may never get, but you waste a lot of time trying to attain it.

So I'd like to give you, in today's episode just a chance to think about that. So all the different aspects in your life, with your relationships, with your parenting, with your career, with your money. What is it you're striving for, and where does that value come from?

Because if you're striving for someone else's value to be accepted by them or whatever it is, you're moving yourself further and further away from what's authentic to you, what's congruent to you, what's going to matter to you?

Because at some point your life will end at some point and you definitely don't want to be looking back and saying, "Oh, I wish I'd done this job instead" or "I wish I dated this person", "I wish I had had children" or "not had children" or whatever it is you want to minimise your regrets. You want to look back on your life and go, "That was really good. I'm so glad I did all of that". And the only way you can do that is if you make sure that what you're striving to achieve is what you actually want to achieve.

So that was today's episode, just a super quick one. Just to get you to think about your values, your standard, your goals. Are they yours, or are they someone else's? Where did they originate from, and would you rather chase your values?

Because if you change your values, you may have to upset someone because, say, for example, your parents say they want you to be a lawyer or a doctor or something like that, but you'd rather be a dance choreographer. You're going to "let them down". So work out how that's going to sit with you, because you will upset someone. You have to work out what's more important, chasing their value, which may not get you the result that you think it will or be congruent with yourself and ultimately, be happier.

It's a battle within yourself, and it can lead to internal conflict, which can be a struggle. It can also be something you can move past. So anyway, that's it for today. I'll leave it here. Something for you to ponder about. Think about if you need any help, that's what we're here for, so feel free to reach out.

Send us a message through, click the link and you can send us a quick ninety second voicemail and we'll see how we can help. Okay, look after yourself and remember, here's to a good life

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You can also listen to my radio show “All About Relationships” which has its own podcast on your favourite platform by clicking HERE 

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You can listen to the Life Back On Track podcast on your favourite platform by visiting our podcast website. Click HERE to check it out. 

You can also listen to my radio show “All About Relationships” which has its own podcast on your favourite platform by clicking HERE 

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