Navigating Sales Chaos and Clarifying Opportunities for Revenue Teams with Adrian Davis, President and CEO at Whetstone
The Revenue Insights Podcast
Navigating Sales Chaos and Clarifying Opportunities for Revenue Teams with Adrian Davis, President and CEO at Whetstone
December 28, 2023
This week on the Revenue Insights Podcast, we are joined by Adrian Davis, President and CEO at Whetstone

This week on the Revenue Insights Podcast, we are joined by Adrian Davis, President and CEO at Whetstone

In this episode, Lee and Adrian discuss the current state of revenue teams post-pandemic, highlighting the crucial role of empathy and adaptability in navigating customer challenges. Adrian emphasizes that sales teams must move beyond traditional pitches and prioritize deep discovery, focusing on understanding the customer's “hero’s journey.” They delve into the "SOCKET” filter framework that offers a path for sales to let go of a mere transaction-only mindset and build lasting, value-driven partnerships.

Adrian is a seasoned sales strategist and trusted advisor to CEOs and sales leaders, bringing over 25 years of experience in strategic sales. As the President & CEO of management consulting firm Whetstone Inc., he collaborates with global giants like Johnson & Johnson, KPMG, Motorola, and Dupont, renowned for delivering innovative solutions that enhance customer value and drive exponential sales growth. 

Adrian is the author of "Human-to-Human Selling," a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), a Certified Professional in Business Process Management (P.BPM), and a Certified Competitive Intelligence Professional (CIP). His impactful speeches and insights on competitive strategy and sales excellence have made him a sought-after speaker addressing senior management teams and sales groups worldwide. 

The Revenue Insights Podcast is hand crafted by our friends over at:

Previous guests include: Namrata Ram of Slack, Jaclyn Balben if Bamboo Health, Mark Truman of EdgePetrol, Evan Liang of LeanData, Nicholas Ellis of InVision

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