The Reset Salon Podcast
Seeking Wellness I: Mental Health
January 10, 2021
This week’s Reset Salon Podcast focused on Seeking Wellness - holistically speaking, but with a special emphasis on mental health, with our guest, psychiatrist and author Dr. Eva Ritvo.
As the global health pandemic rages, wellness - in the physical sense - has been top of mind. We’ve been urged to practice social distancing, to wear masks, to get sunshine for Vitamin D and Vitamin C from fresh fruits and vegetables to protect us from COVID-19. Business, restaurants, gyms, theatres and sports arenas have all closed to enhance our chances for health. Yet oft times - these very measures can have an unintended negative impact on our mental health. Disconnection from others and from our normal routines, sudden unemployment, the loss of loved ones - and even being under the same roof with partners 24/7 can pile on stressors in an already stressed-out world: calls to one mental health hotline jumped 891% since the lockdown began.

This week’s Reset Salon Podcast focused on Seeking Wellness - holistically speaking, but with a special emphasis on mental health, with our guest, psychiatrist and author Dr. Eva Ritvo. We talked about where we’re at, and what we all need to be doing to bolster our mental and physical health during these challenging times.