Unapologetically BOLD: I'm not sorry for....
Celebrating my Successes with Brittany Baldwin
April 16, 2021
Do you celebrate your success? Not just the successes that may win you awards but the small wins as well. Do you feel like it combats with your humility? These are just a few questions that you might be wondering, if so, join us as we talk with Brittany about why she is not sorry for celebrating her success. She is no longer hiding who she is.
Do you celebrate your success? 

Not just the successes that may win you awards but the small wins as well. 

Do you feel like it combats with your humility? 

These are just a few questions that you might be wondering, if so, join us as we talk with Brittany about why she is not sorry for celebrating her success. She is no longer hiding who she is. 

About the guest: Brittany is an Australian woman on a mission to bring simplicity to sales as she brings a lot of positivity, laughter and enthusiasm to interviews. 
She had enormous success in her sales career ($115m in sales over 3 years) which was cut short by an unexpected lay off and cancer diagnosis. 

This shift didn't stop her as it had her shift to creating a sales training company to impact business leaders and sales professionals with the fundamentals of sales. 

[00:00:02] spk_1: this is This show is brought to you by Safety FM. Welcome

[00:00:13] spk_0: to unapologetically bold. I'm not sorry for If you are a person that is tired of apologizing for being you, you know the human part of you that sometimes feels like it has to be different at home versus work versus play. The human side that just wants to be hot, humble, open and transparent about your wants, desires and uniqueness. If you answered yes, this is for you. Join me, Emily Elrod as I dive into conversations with Amazing Guest. About what? That you're not sorry for and creative and loving ways. Let's get started. Hello. Everybody were alive for another unapologetically bold I'm not sorry core. And I am So I decided today to have my guest on Britney. Britney, thank you for joining us today.

[00:01:06] spk_1: It is my absolute pleasure to be here. Thanks so much for sharing my story, Emily, because I think it's wonderful for us to be able to celebrate what we're not sorry for. And to be on a public unapologetically evolves. So I'm really happy to be here today. Introduce yourself. Hello, everybody. My name is Barry Baldwin. I'm from Australia. So this is actually coming to you live from Friday, which is tomorrow. Look out, I'm the founder of TIC Tac Sales. I'm a sales trainer and presenter, and my story about how I got here is really quite interesting, because I was working a very high powered styles role. When I previously had very little experience in that area, I met a very unexpected redundancy. So my my my time at the company was was finished. But it was a silver lining because it allowed me to free up some time, look after my health and realized that I had actually been diagnosed with cancer at the end of a year. So that was all very, very traumatic for me in that respect. But New Year, New May I got into it and I said, This is clearly a sign that I need thio change the way in which I'm approaching life and be able to put myself out there in a position where I can help others and influence others. And that's how my my sales training business was started. So that's that's what led us Thio to meet with that with Emily today and to be sharing this story with all the people who are listening.

[00:02:29] spk_0: It is called unapologetically bold. I'm not sorry, Force. What do you know? Sorry for

[00:02:34] spk_1: so many things, but specifically, I am not sorry for celebrating my success. I have done amazing things with my life. I'm I've just turned 31 years old and at the end of the day, I really believe to the depths of my heart and soul that we need to embrace ourselves. You be you may be may and all of us are doing it in the way that we think is best. And there's there's a number of people out there who are not aligned with your purpose and who don't believe that's the best course of action. Um, that should be taken. And I say if it's right for me, it's meant to be, and I have achieved wonderful things. I'm not going to be brought down to a level that that makes people more comfortable. So I I say we've all done things that were proud of. We should be celebrating that and sharing that with the world. So I am not sorry for celebrating my success.

[00:03:27] spk_0: Awesome. So let's get back to that. Your successes. So what are some I know that you used? Is it horse that you used to do horses? I'm butchering that because I know you did more than

[00:03:37] spk_1: just like, yeah,

[00:03:39] spk_0: and how that that moved in from being an athlete now. But how you kind of quieted yourself, Talk about that,

[00:03:49] spk_1: You know, as a little one, My parents have always instilled within my with my family, my sister and myself that we can achieve anything. And I think as a za a child who's growing up that that mindset, that possibility, the opportunities that we create for ourselves was really, uh, ingrained within May. So I always knew that I could achieve whatever I wanted to be, whether that was an astronaut or a politician, or I think I did a modeling contest where I told the host that I wanted to be a biscuit just to really show him what I what I thought of his question. But I did. I had very only success as a as a as a as a young child in the world of the question used to ride horses. And my parents introduced me to that They had a level of success when they were writing, so I had wonderful ponies, wonderful equipment, everything that went with that, and I was almost like horse riding royalty in Australia. Andi. I used to win every competition. I went Teoh. To this day, I'm still the youngest national champion within Australia. I won the national title when I was seven years old and and and that propelled me towards pursuing a career in the stunt film industry. Uh, my parents, my parents are involved in in action in films in Australia, and I said, You know what? That sounds exciting. I'd like to do that. My career is an accountant. He's not exciting and thrilling. I'm not going to be at the top of my game. Being an accountant, There's nothing wrong with accounting. It just wasn't for May. So I said, Let's have this amazing film industry life where I could go on do stunts. I set up an agency to represent all of the stunt performers in my home state, and I love doing that. But I got married to my high school sweetheart and we formed this wonderful family, and we've traveled extensively a little challenging at the moment now, But all of these things combined. I own a beautiful home. I have a lovely car, such a great support system. And, you know, I pinch myself every day that it's come to this. But so many people say you're so lucky. Okay? No, no, no, no, no. I'm not lucky. I've worked really hard for this stuff. Saved hard. I've worked hard, I've manifested hard and, uh and, you know, and I'm I'm getting all of those things that I really want in life That's important to me. But it's, um it makes other people sometimes feel a little bit inadequate about their own circumstances. So I try Thio meet their needs and and meet them at their own level, which could be challenging because all they want to do is scream from the rooftops. I do good things

[00:06:28] spk_0: that is so important. Just Thio go from the aspect that whenever you do amazing things, when you do the work that you know, there's a lot of sucking it that people don't see. They don't see the hard work. They don't see that aspect of it. And so whenever they see, I always say when they see you at the top of the mountain. They don't know how hard you climbed up to get to where you are. And so my question for you on this is how have you helped in celebrating you and knowing you, your gifts, your talents, your talents and stepping out, especially in your business that you have. But still, I think it's the difference. Um, and I know that a lot. I even struggle with us. This is being I wanna be humble. But I also want to say, Heck, yeah, I'm one of the top in the nation at wellness, like and I'm proud of it, But it's like, Oh, do I need to say that you know it, I struggle with that. So what we what advice would you give?

[00:07:24] spk_1: You know, I, um when I was unemployment almost 10 years ago. Now, uh, I remember we were the the executive team was invited along Teoh A like a team building Management Workshop day. And we were encouraged to do this task where he had a like a, uh you know, a graph with, like, a bingo graph, almost with with words on it. Okay. And they were words that were, um, we were encouraged to circle the top three like attributes that we associated with ourselves. I remember this is clearest day because I was so proud of the three circles that I made on the paper. And I can honestly tell you I don't remember two of them, but one stood out, and the one that I was really looking Thio to put out to the group was I was confident. And that's something that for my entire life I've really embraced having that level of confidence because it's allowed me to go forward and achieve the things that I have done on Be brave and not afraid so I'm really like highlighting confidence is a great attribute of mind, and then the host of the workshop said, I want you to turn that over. So I turned the sheet over and behind. Confidence was the word arrogant, and he said to us, that is how people may perceive you. I was heartbroken. I was hot broken because all of these stories started to come up where I thought okay when I said that was I being arrogant or when somebody responded and said that Do they see me as arrogant? Because I've actually tried really hard to embrace confidence in it. In a way that's not, um, you know, putting other people down on making themselves feel uncomfortable about themselves. So that was a moment of reflection for me. But as years have gone by, you know, because I I then thought I was arrogant, okay, that that one particular worksheet told me that I was wrong. The worksheet was right. I'm an arrogant person, and I should I should work on being more humble. But I think he's why I've actually thought to myself. I don't think it's necessarily all me who has the problem. I think it's the reaction of other people and how they respond to you and how they co exist with you. And you read all those leadership books where they say, don't let people drag you down to their level because they're behind you and all that. So I sit in conflict with what that all means, but I do believe yes, it's important to maintain a level of, um being genuine, being humble and because if you're able to embrace what you do in a way, that is related ble to other people and helps inspire and uplift them thio to the level that you think they're at. Then I think it's about being inclusive. So not Thio, not Thio. Lower your standards, but to help people heighten. There's so that you can, you know, inspire them and encourage them to want to achieve more for themselves.

[00:10:37] spk_0: I love it. I think that's very true. Whatever comes to the aspect of just like it doesn't matter where you're at in it, but just in general, knowing you, knowing your strength and that's what that's saying, if you could back it up, it's not bragging anymore aspect of it. But from there, What have you found? Um, and I love, too, that you noted on how worksheet kind of and that as a facilitator. That's one thing that I'm huge about, making sure I love reflection. I want people toe reflect. But what I am saying is for you to take at your own grain of salt and and not because it can it can manipulate us. And so my next question for you is I come from this thought that we need to have more South compassion and self comparison because that comparison model does not allow us Thio work together instead of having compassion for one another. So my question for you is How do you see that working in in being and celebrating your success is?

[00:11:45] spk_1: Look, I think in the environment now, where everything is done over over social media and online, that real connections is so much more challenging to form. And people are so quick to make judgments about the type of person you are or the next person and, uh, in the in the world, off coaching and online businesses and and and given the recent pandemic the pandemic that's still going on, you know, the rise and rise off digital communication, I think, has created wonderful opportunities, as faras business goes. But for for people out there, the word comparison that you use, I think that's really important because we are. We're putting people on pedestals who seemingly have success and seemingly have you know, these big businesses that are operating really well and we are trying Thio match that level of success and we are trying Thio, you know, adopt and change the way that were doing things to be in line with what other people are doing so that the the C word comparison is particularly relevant at the moment. And I think that what I really want Thio demonstrate to people is that behind the screen behind the business behind the teams that you have around, you were all really people. And we're not necessarily, um, putting out to the world the levels of vulnerability that we have that hard work that you mentioned earlier about climbing that mountain. And it's not really a a true and accurate representation off our lives. So I think there needs to be some distinction between what is, um, Riel and what is showcased as part off these businesses so super important for us to, you know, draw the line in the sand and say that we're all running our own race and it's important for us to, you know, toe have have the goalposts in mind. Have that that that milestone that we want to meet, But it should be based on our own journey, our own expectations, our own resource is and our ability to to meet them and create that environment and the type of people that were working with. Everybody's got a different group of supporters and followers, and we need to be in line with that when I talk sales and I talk sales strategy. One of the things that I mentioned is you shouldn't have a sales process that, um is the way that you want to sell. Your sales process should be the way that your customers want to buy. So you really need Thio. You know, be aware of the people around you, and I think that's like that. That's self awareness is so important for us. So I'm a big believer. Let's collaborate together but work to our own playbook and our own, you know, journey that we have set out for us.

[00:14:43] spk_0: I think it's important. Thio, I guess, blow to the next topic of self awareness that I always go from. You can't love others if you don't love yourself first. You can't care for others if you don't care for yourself first. So and it's hard to celebrate others if you don't celebrate yourself first. But as a female, sometimes I'll see, I see the lack of confidence. I'll stay with myself. I struggle with this, Um, but also celebrating even small winds. So talk about self awareness and even even in the celebration of the small ones. You

[00:15:21] spk_1: know what self awareness is, is something that's becoming mawr relevant in the lives that we're leading. And if you look back five years ago, 10 years ago, you know that that wasn't it wasn't such a it word. It wasn't such a practiced way of doing business. And I think that the more I learned about it, the more I hear about it. The more I coach clients, the more I realized how important that is. And I see going around on Facebook things like, um, you know, if you would give some advice to your younger self, what would that be? And I thought long and hard about that question, because I don't have any regrets. Somewhat, I've done. It's all led me to where I am today. But if I were to change something, if I were to look back and say, um, you know 18 year old Britney who's leaving school, who's ready to tackle the world, what would I say to her? And this is this is this is my response all the time I would say, Britney, don't be so hard on yourself. That is my advice toe All of you out there who are listening because, um, you know, we're all trying. We're all trying one way or another. Our our levels of trying are different between people. But our goal is not to live. A poor life is to live the best life that we can write. It's to help. Is many people as we can. It's toe owners much money as we can. It's tohave, Um, you know, the great support system around us and a loving, happy family, like we've all got different goals in life. But we're out there to do the best, the best version of ourselves. So why I think what happens is when people are setting up businesses or when they're working, you know they're there. So, um, that that they were so aware of their faults or they're so aware off the lack of momentum or their lack of results and success, or the time it's taking for them. And, um, that leads to a level of frustration. I hear it all the time. I just If only I had just done this so you know, in come the end of the year, this is going to be happening as circumstances will have changed and I sit there and I listen and I I observed and I learned and I said, Look, okay, business is like a roller coaster, okay? And there's ups and downs, but at the start of it, you're at the very bottom, and the first thing you have to do is climb that huge hell, and it goes like ca ca ca ca ca ca and the feelings that you have. When you're doing that, you're scared. You're anxious. You're regretting what you've done your second guessing yourself. And then you hit that peak, you go. Oh, my gosh. It's like sink or swim here like I have to let go. There is no going back on at the top, and you roll down and the momentum starts toe happening. You see those results and you're flying. It feels great. And you're like, this is the right of my life. And then, of course, you go up and you go over the hill and there's these bumps along the way, and all of a sudden you're upside down at the top and you twisted around. And you think Okay, I've hit some speed bumps. This is not going, you know, in that straight line that I thought it would go, uh, and and you'll stops. And where are you again? You're at the bottom. We have thio go all the way back up. So it's It's that level of resilience you mentioned earlier. But it's also that that that that knowing that the ride is not going to be smooth and and and and t to celebrate As you said to celebrate along the way, your little winds stop. Take a moment. I do a little gratitude, jaw, you know, So, like, what have I achieved so far? What, you what am I grateful for? Like I'm grateful because I saw a baby cooker bar the other day That's like one of our national birds I've never seen a baby cook about. I'm sure not many people have. You know, I wrote that down. I put it in my job, and at the end of the year, I pull out all the things that I'm being grateful for. And it reminds me what a year I've had. And this year, is hard on most. This year is hard on many. So what little things have you done throughout the year that you think? Okay, it hasn't all been doom and gloom the same with your business.

[00:19:27] spk_0: I love that. And I think that's so important, especially on the aspect when it comes to your mental well being during this time because like you have a plan. But that plan never really goes away. It is. It's just a lot of hard work, and it it is just so much at one time. I think it reminds me of my kids. Like whenever I had my kids, like I had all these books that told me how to do it Nothing right that way. You know, it's just you have to find your mo mentum you have to find. And, um, one thing that I have learned is it's two years at minimum hard work at minimum there, no matter where you're going in life, it's going to take hard work. And whenever we're in an instant gratification world, especially like menu millennials, like our whole lives, we can get it and now not happening that way, especially with business. But anything that you want to work hard for. So I think it's very important that to celebrate those successes, even the small ones are along the way because it's easy to get defeated in this work and 80% of our time, our thoughts go to the negative. So if we're already wired, were physiologically wired to go to the negative were a protection mechanism. We have to do something about it because I don't know if it's your the same way with this. But I'm already my worst credit, as in and then to add this additional negativity if I don't celebrate my successes. If I don't do gratitude, study, Eric practices. If I don't cherish moments, if I don't what I say is killed a an automatic negative thoughts. If there's things that I don't do that, I know that works for me. I'm gonna kill my like I'm going to kill my progress and I will not get to success. And so I think that's important. And that's the reason why I like even this this could fail like we've even had hiccups throughout this top of its human. It's about progression. It's not about perfection and That's what we put on ourselves and this reason why I love. I love the human humanity that comes through that through this, and I love that. It doesn't have to be polished and clean. It's rail, it's us. There's things that happen in life that you cannot predict, and there's things that are gonna happen. But you, you celebrating your success is, is a controllable. You can control that and how much it makes a difference on us. So, Britney, one of the final questions. You have somebody that keeps apologizing for celebrating their success. What would you tell them?

[00:22:04] spk_1: Stop immediately. But look, I'll share a story with you. So when I am, when I was diagnosed with cancer, it was skin cancer. I was 29 years old and I have pale skin. I look after myself so you know, like like no one has more, more, more perfectly well maintained skin than I do. And the cancer was under my foot, right? So you know, that's unusual, like it's not like I stand out there and sunbaked with my feet. I don't sound make it all, but like you know, my feet don't see the light of day, so I know I have to go. I had my surgery. I'm fine. I'm completely clear, but I have to. Now go on, get my skin checked every three months. If I want Thio, be vigilant about the diagnosis. And when I go for my skin, check my skin doctor nine times out of 10 will cut something out and send it off for a biopsy just to be safe. And I'm like, stop hacking at my body, okay? So that the time it takes to get those results is four days. So for the four days, especially early on, I used to panic Stress the anxious Think on my goodness. Cancers coming back. How is that going to impact my life and all that? So we, as a collective, live in a state of anxiety. We live in a state of fear. What if all of that? So my advice is now what I've embraced is to worry when there's something to worry about. Okay? I could choose to be worried for those four days or I could choose Thio, live it up, enjoying my life. Be positive, hope for the best, because I can't change that right, And if I get diagnosed, then I've got plenty of time to worry. So in summary, to to relate that back to your success and thio people who keep apologizing for that. What I would say is, I would say there are circumstances outside of your control and you don't have the ability to impact that or change that. The only thing you can control is your response to it. You can choose to apologize where you can choose to embrace.

[00:24:17] spk_0: Thank you so much for tuning in to this episode of unapologetically Bold. I'm not sorry for if this touch you in any way, please like and subscribe and share with your friends as we continue the message of being unapologetically bold, Bobby and hot humans who are humble, open and transparent See you next time.