Insurance Business Babes
Preparing for AEP: Early Certifications and Effective Client Communication Strategies
June 17, 2024
In this episode of "Insurance Business Babes," hosts Kathe Kline and Joanna Wyckoff delve into the crucial aspects of managing Medicare certifications and plan comparisons. They discuss the utility of creating spreadsheets for comparing benefits between different counties and plans, leveraging a virtual assistant for data entry, and the importance of completing AHIP and UnitedHealthcare Fast Track recertifications early to avoid disruptions. Emphasizing meticulous organization, they recommend updating these spreadsheets, utilizing a HIPAA compliant CRM, attending carrier meetings, and building cheat sheets. With personal anecdotes highlighting the perils of being uninformed, the hosts underscore the vital role of broker managers and advise recording meetings to protect against misunderstandings. They advocate for proactive client communication, maintaining an efficient client pipeline, and utilizing tech tools like Plod for transcribing meetings, all aimed at ensuring thorough preparedness and effective client management.
This year it's going to be very important to stay ahead of things.

In the latest episode of "Insurance Business Babes," hosts Kathe Kline and Joanna Wyckoff dive deep into the nitty-gritty of AHIP certifications, offering invaluable insights and actionable tips for insurance agents. As many of you know, AHIP certifications are crucial for agents to recertify yearly to stay informed about plan changes and avoid jeopardizing renewals. Kathe and Joanna stress the importance of completing these certifications early to circumvent any upcoming changes and potential carrier exits. 

# Time Management Tips for AHIP Success
The duo shares personal anecdotes and practical advice on multitasking and effective time management. Consider using a virtual assistant to input data into spreadsheets, allowing you to focus on more critical tasks. Joanna shared her own journey, emphasizing how batching appointments and proactively reaching out to clients can help in managing workloads more efficiently.

# Leveraging Technology for Broker Success
Kathe and Joanna highlight the importance of incorporating technology into your workflow. Utilizing tools like LastPass for password tracking and a HIPAA compliant CRM can help keep sensitive information secure and organized. Additionally, recording phone calls and face-to-face meetings—not to mention transcribing these interactions using tools like Plaud—can safeguard against misunderstandings or false allegations.

# Preparing for "First Look" Meetings
A recurring theme in this episode is the significance of attending "first look" carrier meetings. These meetings provide critical insights into plan changes, new vendors, and regulatory updates. It's also a great opportunity to update your spreadsheets with the latest information about carriers and plans. By staying informed, you can ensure you’re providing the most accurate advice to your clients.

# Building a Robust Client Pipeline
Another key takeaway from the episode is the strategy of building and maintaining a robust client pipeline throughout the year. Rather than scrambling for new clients during the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), keeping a steady stream of clients ensures business continuity. Scheduled appointments can be organized before AEP starts, but remember, discussing plan changes during these early appointments is off-limits.

# Proactive Client Engagement
Proactively reaching out to clients before they consider changes with another agent is crucial for client retention. Joanna suggests sending out automated newsletters and personalized updates to keep clients engaged and informed. A simple 20-minute video answering common Medicare questions can go a long way in educating and retaining clients turning 65.

This episode of "Insurance Business Babes" is a treasure trove of best practices for insurance agents looking to excel in their field. From AHIP certification tips to leveraging technology and proactive client management, Kathe and Joanna offer comprehensive guidance to keep you ahead of the curve.

Joanna Wyckoff from and Kathe Kline from talk about building a Medicare Insurance Agent business. (Use the code Babes2024 to get a free Bronze membership in the directory).