The Physical Product Movement
Multiple Revenue Streams & Upcycling Food with Daniel Kurzrock, Co-Founder & CEO at ReGrained
April 22, 2021
In this episode of The Physical Product Movement, we're joined by Daniel Kurzrock, Co-Founder & CEO at ReGrained. Dan shares how he was first introduced to the problem of food waste. When he brewed his own beer back in college, Dan did a great job recognizing the environmental impact of food waste and ReGrained was born out of the desire to try to address this problem. He talks about how, as a company, they've taken a leadership role in the upcycling movement by giving talks, releasing content, and highlighting landmark research on this subject. He also shares some of the great opportunities for companies to differentiate their products by using upcycled ingredients, and also how companies can unlock additional lines of revenue by reviewing the byproducts of their production process.
In this episode of The Physical Product Movement, we're joined by Daniel Kurzrock, Co-Founder & CEO at ReGrained. Dan shares how he was first introduced to the problem of food waste. When he brewed his own beer back in college, Dan did a great job recognizing the environmental impact of food waste, and ReGrained was born out of the desire to try to address this problem. He talks about how, as a company, they've taken a leadership role in the upcycling movement by giving talks, releasing content, and highlighting landmark research on this subject. He also shares some of the great opportunities for companies to differentiate their products by using upcycled ingredients, and also how companies can unlock additional lines of revenue by reviewing the byproducts of their production process.

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