377: Advanced Tarot Spreads - 22 Deep Card Layouts for Experienced Readers
World of Empowerment
377: Advanced Tarot Spreads - 22 Deep Card Layouts for Experienced Readers
September 18, 2021
Advanced Tarot Spreads: 22 Deep Card Layouts for Experienced Readers (with Bonus Dimensional Split Spread and Meditation)

In this Advanced Book of Tarot Spreads, Aingeal Rose teaches new card layouts that uncover deeper aspects of yourself and your clients. Order your copy on Amazon here: https://links.ahonu.com/ats

While beginners can use it, the depth of some layouts requires broader understanding and experience with the cards. The TAROT holds a wealth of alchemical and spiritual information, and this book helps the advanced user of the cards to journey into deeper states of consciousness and awareness. 

This book contains 22 Tarot spreads for practitioners who desire a deeper, practical and even more mystical approach to the Tarot. Included are:

These spreads bring you greater understanding of yourself and the world and will take your intuitive abilities to new heights and deeper depths.

Aingeal Rose has included a bonus spread and meditation to help navigate the Dimensional split our world is currently going through. This spread has been helpful in bringing understanding and support to those who are consciously navigating their way through these changing times.