A Better Way To Farm Podcast
198: Your Roadmap for Improving Silage Quality
August 21, 2023
What if you could optimize silage production and drastically reduce dry matter loss? Join us in a captivating exploration with Brian Holmes, a seasoned expert who spent many years at the University of Wisconsin researching how to improve silage production. In today’s episode, we spotlight silage quality, dissecting the intricate relationship between silage density, oxygen, and the preservation of silage. Be ready to debunk some popular myths and embrace alternative methods to maximize silage quality in this insightful exchange packed with expert advice and practical tips. Let’s go!

Episode 198 Highlights ✨

01:26   On Silage Management Expertise and Volunteer Work…
02:56   Maximizing silage quality and reducing dry matter loss
04:39   Here’s our objective ß
05:49   Silage Storage and Oxygen Exposure
06:32   Got an oxygen exposure problem? Here’s what to watch out for <<
08:52   Here’s what we want to provide <
10:20   Preventing oxidation in silage
11:27   On maximizing silage density…
12:23   Brian’s recommendations <<
13:36   Stacking your silage a little too high? Here’s a big no-no!
14:13   A study on sampled silage phases and their outcomes <
16:26   On reducing the rate of the forage delivery, is there a need??
19:43   Increasing silage density for better quality
20:49   Sizing and managing silage storage
21:33   Spreadsheets to the rescue!
22:16   GET THEM HERE <<
23:44   A rumor about old donkeys on vertical silos?? Hmm, hmm…
24:11   Another practical reco, maybe?
25:46   Starting out on higher quality silage? Here’s Brian’s piece of advice for you ß
26:38   And, don’t forget the safety aspects!
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We’re a multi-generational family business based in Iowa working with farmers across the US. We take a hands-on approach using in-depth soil testing, making recommendations down to ounces per acre of micronutrients.
Doing this helps our clients to become more profitable. If your family would be open to this, let’s talk. ➡ ➡   ☎️☎️ ☎️ … or call/ text us at 6 4 1 9 1 9 1 2 0 6, or drop us an EMAILß
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Happy listening! We’ll accompany you again to the next one! 

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