Plant Yourself - Embracing a Plant-based Lifestyle
What We Know About COVID-19: The Science: Michael Rothberg, MD on PYP 423
August 18, 2020
Michael Rothberg, MD, returns to Plant Yourself to share the latest actual scientific understanding of COVID-19. We spoke first in mid-March, when we didn't know much. Fast forward five months, and we now know a lot, but in the US at least, we're ignoring most of the science and suffering for it. I've been as confused as anyone else, daunted by epidemiological models I can't evaluate for accuracy, overwhelmed by social media fights about masks and free speech and hydroxychloroquine and vaccines and government overreach that have riven the plant-based community, and befuddled by competing claims of conferred immunity and how long it might last. So I got Michael on the Zoom and peppered him with my questions.