EP112.S3 Understanding the Body and Moving Through the Root Cause | John Haddad
gguttalks | design | creativity | entrepreneurship | leadership
EP112.S3 Understanding the Body and Moving Through the Root Cause | John Haddad
July 20, 2023
This is the 6th conversation [EP107 to 114 S3] with John Haddad, a Lebanese-American therapist, scientist and educator known in the biomechanics and movement world globally. He founded Level 8 School of biomechanics and movement therapy and helps elite sports practitioners and athletes in the top leagues train better, recover better and move better to stay the best and become the best. Check the video on Youtube as this segment has been recorded face to face. Disclaimer: Views and opinions are his own in the entire segment.
This is the 6th conversation [EP107 to 114 S3] with John Haddad, a Lebanese-American therapist, scientist and educator known in the biomechanics and movement world globally. He founded Level 8 School of biomechanics and movement therapy and helps elite sports practitioners and athletes in the top leagues train better, recover better and move better to stay the best and become the best.

Check the video on Youtube as this segment has been recorded face to face.

Disclaimer: Views and opinions are his own in the entire segment.


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GGUTTALKS is a podcast focusing on business, design and ggutt feelings, conversing with entrepreneurs, industry leaders and investors.