EP135.S3 Moving to Australia: A Heart or a GGUTT Decision? | Gerry Scullion
gguttalks | design | creativity | entrepreneurship | leadership
EP135.S3 Moving to Australia: A Heart or a GGUTT Decision? | Gerry Scullion
September 13, 2023
This is the 2nd conversation [EP134 to 141 S3] with Gerry Scullion! Gerry has over 20 years of design experience. He is the founder of This is HCD podcast, which is now available on Spotify. He coaches and leads a design community of changemakers. Additionally, he is passionate about starting the Makers and Doers School to teach kids new skills. A spontaneous segment where we get to know more about Gerry! Disclaimer: Views and opinions are his own in the entire segment.
This is the 2nd conversation [EP134 to 141 S3] with Gerry Scullion! Gerry has over 20 years of design experience. He is the founder of This is HCD podcast, which is now available on Spotify. He coaches and leads a design community of changemakers. Additionally, he is passionate about starting the Makers and Doers School to teach kids new skills. A spontaneous segment where we get to know more about Gerry!

Disclaimer: Views and opinions are his own in the entire segment.

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GGUTTALKS is a podcast focusing on business, design and ggutt feelings, conversing with entrepreneurs, industry leaders and investors.