Nutrition Heretic
How to Get Local In Your Neighborhood; Fast Changes in Food; Guest Heretic Graham Ellis Talks about His USDA Sustainability Grant
May 5, 2016
Has society lost sight of sustainable living in the name of progress? Jamaicans lose sight of coconuts growing above their heads as diseases of modernization take hold of their population. At the same time, Americans vilify every real food leaving them completely at the mercy of food producers while we watch heart disease, cancer and new diseases skyrocket. Is there a way to re-capture our dietary choices of yesteryear? Guest heretic, Graham Ellis of Pono Solutions Consulting, and president of the Hawaii Sustainable Community Alliance describes how his childhood growing up in England not all that long ago is so different from the world we live in today.  His family did quite well eating fresh fruit, vegetables, meat and milk that were not only local, but delivered right to their door on a regular basis. Boy, how things have changed! The commoditization of food has not only devastated our topsoil, but has raped local economies and deprived people of vibrant health. What can be done to move back to a sustainable society?  Is it possible?  What can you take to move towards this goal? Listen in as Graham tells us what we can do to recapture our dietary traditions and have a bountiful supply of delicious foods should the supply lines go down.  You'll also learn about his USDA issued grant to help develop sustainability here in Hawaii.