Strategic Families
20 - Now, Change Your Family's Trajectory
January 2, 2022
Now that you've hopefully had a chance to set some life-giving family goals together, this episode is all about STAYING THE COURSE. Sometimes we feel like we've accomplished something just because we wrote it down! That's a foundational step, but good intentions won't get us very far. We need to make sure we have a plan to stick with our goals, and accountability along the way, along with celebrations as we achieve them. In all things, let's remember that we don't set family goals to earn God's favor -- if you're in Christ, He has already given you a right standing before Him through the blood of Jesus Christ -- but we set these goals IN RESPONSE to what He has already done, out of a heart filled with gratitude. Join us as we explore how we can persevere in accomplishing what He's given us to do for our families -- and communities.
Now that you've hopefully had a chance to set some life-giving family goals together, this episode is all about STAYING THE COURSE. Sometimes we feel like we've accomplished something just because we wrote it down! That's a foundational step, but good intentions won't get us very far. We need to make sure we have a plan to stick with our goals, and accountability along the way, along with celebrations as we achieve them. In all things, let's remember that we don't set family goals to earn God's favor -- if you're in Christ, He has already given you a right standing before Him through the blood of Jesus Christ -- but we set these goals IN RESPONSE to what He has already done, out of a heart filled with gratitude.

Join us as we explore how we can persevere in accomplishing what He's given us to do for our families -- and communities.

A few points we cover in this episode:

Check out our free download called Family Evaluation & Goal Setting (template): 

Scriptures referenced:

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