Travel Nursing & Allied Life
Healthcare Staffing: The New Market Reality of 2024 - Best Practices for Travelers and Recruiters in a Down Market
March 8, 2024
Founder/CXO of Great Recruiters, Adam Conrad and CEO of TravCon/ The Gypsy Nurse Steve Curtin, focus on best practices on how recruiters and travelers can effectively work together in a market with lower bill rates, and fewer jobs while setting proper expectations for opportunities, pay, communication frequency, and more!
Founder/CXO of Great Recruiters, Adam Conrad  and CEO of TravCon/ The Gypsy Nurse Steve Curtin, focus on best practices on how recruiters and travelers can effectively work together in a market with lower bill rates, fewer jobs while setting proper expectations for opportunities, pay, communication frequency,  and more! 

About the Presenters: 

Founder/CXO of Great Recruiters, Adam Conrad : Adam Conrad is the Founder and CXO of Great Recruiters, with over 24 years of experience in the staffing industry. He is a dedicated family man with a wife and three children and is actively involved in his community as a coach for his son’s baseball teams. Adam is passionate about helping people reach their full potential, both professionally and personally, and this drive has been the force behind his success in the staffing industry. With a wealth of experience and a commitment to excellence, Adam is a respected leader in the field and continues to shape the industry through his work at Great Recruiters.