Mind Witchery
A Spell for Freedom From Expectation
April 6, 2023
Expectations are a weight that is ultimately limiting. This spell will help you free your creative impulses by letting go of narrowly defined outcomes.
Expectations are a weight that is ultimately limiting.

The pressure to achieve a specific result

breeds anxiety, and generally just fucks us over creatively.

This spell will help you free your creative impulses

by letting go of narrowly defined outcomes.


Carol Dweck’s very insightful book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.

Join Crucible, a supportive container to help you turn your idea into action! https://timewitchery.com/crucible

Make Magic:

Specific expectations fuck us over because we’re too smart for them.

On some level, we understand that reality is fundamentally co-creative,

and we can’t possibly know what's going to happen.

So what happens if you decide to embrace that uncertainty,

instead of getting all bound up in trying to defy it?

Transcript: A Spell for Freedom From Expectation