Entire Pursuit
Scott Quatro - Mission Statements - Episode 06
March 22, 2021
Leadership and strategy are critically important, but it is easy to fight the urgent issues instead taking on a company's significant and important areas. Listen to the episode to gain insight into strategy from a professional in the field of strategy, straight from my friend Scott Quatro. You will learn from his insights, and you won't be able to help but catch some of his enthusiasm for all things leadership.
Leadership and strategy are critically important, but it is easy to fight the urgent issues instead of taking on a company's significant and important areas. Listen to the episode to gain insight into strategy from a professional in the field of strategy, straight from my friend Scott Quatro. You will learn from his insights, and you won't be able to help but catch some of his enthusiasm for all things leadership.

These gems particularly stuck out from this brief interview with Scott, and I wanted to capture them here in the notes.

Leadership Mantras
Love the team
Love the company
Love to win

Team Player Traits
Humble, Hungry and Smart

Follow along at https://world.hey/cultivatedclarity to learn about a playbook I have used as a formula for a mission statement, along with how to do many other things related to business, and also why these business items are so important.