The Health Coaches Podcast
17. How to Leverage the Awesome Power of Identity to Help Clients Change
June 23, 2020
When clients are new to a set of behaviors, habits, and standards, it often feels like they're "faking it" when they start. That's OK - as long as they understand that they create their identity as a health-seeking person through those daily habits...

When clients are new to a set of behaviors, habits, and standards, it often feels like they're "faking it" when they start. That's OK - as long as they understand that they create their identity as a health-seeking person through those daily habits and actions.

That's why Identity is at the top of our WHAM (WellStart Health Attainment Model) pyramid - it's typically the last thing to fall into place, and once it does, there's no going back. When you consistently perform certain actions because that's "who you are," temptation and fatigue and stress no longer rule the day. Identity is the front-wheel drive that makes lack of rear-wheel traction irrelevant (hell of a metaphor, if I say so myself!). But sometimes we health coaches can start by reconnecting the client to an existing identity. They may have been health-conscious and fit and athletic in their younger days. They may identify as a committed, get-it-done, no-excuses person at work or as a parent. They may look up to someone else and wish to emulate that role model's qualities in the context of their health journey.

In this conversation (in which my audio frankly sucks because my mic crapped out and I didn't really believe Kevin's whining about it until I listened for myself; so much for coaches being good at taking in feedback), Kevin and I explore how to leverage the awesome power of identity to help clients change.

Here's the Plant Yourself coaching session with Ian Lawton that we reference in this podcast:


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