Living the Law of Action Show
Don’t let your past determine YOUR future with Kelly Kelly Kelly
February 16, 2021
Radio Silence isn’t a thing when you have Kelly Kelly Kelly around. Kelly is one of the most heard female radio imaging voice-over talents in the world. Today we talk about the sometimes brutal radio industry machine, the voiceover industry, imaging industry. We also dive deep into something that is really very hard for Kelly to talk about. But, she wants to share with the world because she wants to help people live a life of inspired action and not let their past determine their future. So join us as we take a trip down radio memory lane, talk about “The Dream” of radio, and be there as we deep dive into Kelly’s childhood sexual trauma and how she rose above the pain to live her best life. This podcast is a full spectrum of living a life-inspired action. Don’t let your past determine YOUR future with Kelly Kelly Kelly. ***Sensitive Content*** Please be aware that some of today's episode may be triggering for some people.