The Brighton Business Expo 2021 Podcast
Introduction to the Expo - Mike Monk, Founder & Organiser
October 18, 2021
To kick off the Expo, joining Dan Cottrell in the back of the Podcab® is the Founder and Organiser Mike Monk to talk about what it's like bringing back the event after a 2 year break, what he is hoping from the event and more. Mike will be back in the Podcab® at the end of the event to tell us how it went. You can contact Mike for business enquiries by: Linkedin: Email:
To kick off the Expo, joining Dan Cottrell in the back of the Podcab® is the Founder and Organiser Mike Monk to talk about what it's like bringing back the event after a 2 year break, what he is hoping from the event and more. 

Mike will be back in the Podcab® at the end of the event to tell us how it went.

You can contact Mike for business enquiries by: