The Sinclair Method Podcast
Claudia Christian of the C3 Foundation on The Sinclair Method
June 19, 2022
Since we recorded this episode, Claudia Christian has become involved with opening the first ever residential rehab facility that provides The Sinclair Method for patients with alcohol use disorder. In this episode, we have a discussion about how TSM works, how to find a doctor, and the challenges of making TSM more accessible to people who want to reduce their alcohol intake, or quit altogether. We also discuss the possibility of naltrexone, the prescription medication used for TSM, becoming an over the counter medication. This would make it possible for people to follow The Sinclair Method without having to find a doctor willing to provide this therapy.
The Sinclair Method is a harm reduction method that uses naltrexone to help a person who drinks reduce their alcohol consumption. Claudia Christian is a famous movie star and television star who has dedicated her life to educating doctors and the public on this scientifically proven method of overcoming alcoholism. People who are gray area drinkers, and people with alcohol use disorder, can benefit from The Sinclair Method.