Making Work Meaningful
Authentic Wellness Podcast
Making Work Meaningful
October 20, 2022
What does it mean to make your work meaningful? Dionne Thomas has certainly found a way. Long before remote working was a thing, she built a business no one knew they needed. Not to mention, she is making an impact on the social justice scene
I wanted to create show notes for this episode that would do it justice, but I couldn’t. I have struggled with what to say since we recorded the interview. Finally, I decided that this is an episode that cannot be explained. It's sort of like the one we recorded years ago called Lies about Self Care. You can listen to it HERE.

Dionne Thomas is the owner of The Ziva Group. She is an online business manager and a virtual assistant. When she isn’t providing world-class service to her clients, Dionne is taking care of her ranch and the animals that live there. 

The bulk of our conversation was centered around her social justice work; how her business supports companies that are in the social justice space. I believe that is why this episode is so hard to explain. When injustices happen, it takes so much to wrap your mind around them. It’s even more difficult to explain them to someone else and expect them to grasp the gravity of the situation exactly as you do. 

As a black woman that’s married to a white man, she gets it. Please listen to this episode with an open mind. It is our hope that you come away wanting more.